This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.Fireworks Play 12+ Realistic Fireworks Simulation Duy Nguyen Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Fun and amazing simulation fireworks game that will blow your mind! Fireworks Play: The Ultimate 3D ...
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此App 只在 iPhone、iPad 和 Apple Watch 的 App Store 中提供。 Play-Fi 4+ DTS, Inc. 4.5 • 150 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad Apple Watch 简介 Breakthrough DTS Play-Fi(R) technology powers simple, great-sounding whole-home wireless audio systems for smartphones and tablets. You ...
借助CarPlay 车载,在车内的中控显示屏上就能实现获取导航路线、播放音乐等多种功能。而电子车钥匙让你用 iPhone 即可解锁并启动爱车。
iPhone 简介 Stream your Subsonic-server-hosted music to your iOS or CarPlay device, Chromecast device or Subsonic Jukebox. Enjoy your music everywhere, anytime, in the quality you decide! play:Sub supports playback of most audio formats like FLAC, MP3, AAC and more. ...
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CarPlay for developers A smarter, safer way to use iPhone in the car, CarPlay lets people get directions, make calls, send and receive messages, and play music from their car’s built-in display, all while staying focused on the road. ...
Playstation App helps you tostay up-to-datewith the newest games and the latest news. In itsPlayStation Store, you can shop for new releases, preorder games, and check the recent deals and discounts. Moreover, you can alsocontrol your consolewherever you are. For instance, on your PS5 ...
It's super useful for frequent visitors who can send along their daily orders, all with no more than a few taps on the screen. Audible Apple has its audiobook store, though we've always been partial to Amazon-ownedAudible. It has a massive library of audiobooks and a growing selection ...
掌机游戏玩家可能都会嗤之以鼻,当然在手机上玩3A大作也并非不可以,因为你可以通过手机来显示和遥控主机、PC串游游戏,索尼PS4便很早地支持了Remote Play的玩法,还在他们同门兄弟Xpreia系列手机上作为各卖点,只是大家都知道索尼手机卖得不怎样,所以现在索尼把他们的Remote Play软件上架到苹果的App Store,让iPhone可以享受...