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In the steam-filled air, however, your biggest enemy is time because most machines and gears rust away quickly, so you are well advised to also produce chrome gears and invest in... read more... In Corrosion, each of you manages a factory and deploys engineers to build up diversified...
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WebAssembly binding for llama.cpp - Enabling on-browser LLM inference C++ 468 25 Updated Dec 6, 2024 ashmind / SharpLab .NET language playground C# 2,754 202 Updated Nov 18, 2024 emilk / egui egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web and native ...
DSVita- Nintendo DS emulator on Rust (experimental) Flycast-vita- Sega Dreamcast emulator mGBA- Nintendo Game Boy Advance emulator Adrenaline- Allows you to run natively PlayStation One games as on PSP (PSX2PSPmight be helpful)
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Flash has become obsolete in modern browsers, it is now emulated inruffle. Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator built in the Rust programming language. Ruffle runs natively on all modern browsers (no plugin required) through the use of WebAssembly; leveraging the safety of the modern web browser....
HTML5 Games Home HTML5 Games Enjoy your time with all these HTML5 games! Play most of the games on various devices, such as mobile phones and tablets! Alex & Co: Best Friends Kid Danger: Monster Attack Mysticons: Piper Parkour Danger Force: Training Missions...
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Don’t let your Piano skills rust! Practice or learn to play basic piano anywhere and anytime in this simulation game – Virtual Piano! Use the mouse to play or tap on the keyboard to produce some music. Created by b1project using HMTL5 technology, Virtual Piano is a simulation game/tool...