时隔六年之后《荒野大镖客》从PlayStation云游戏平台退出 《荒野大镖客》(Red Dead Redemption)在发行6年后离开了PlayStation的云游戏服务。自2016年以来,索尼的这项服务一直是《荒野大镖客》的家园,现在是新改版的PS Plus Premium的一部分,但以前是独立的PlayStation now订阅服务。它的离开意味着现在无法在PS4或...
Download and play Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC at the Epic Games Store. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic western tale of honor and loyalty at the dawn of the modern age.
《Red Dead Redemption》與「不死夢魘」的 PlayStation 4 版以30FPS幀率呈現,於 PlayStation 4 Pro 和 PlayStation 5 上遊玩時最高可達4K解析度。 《Red Dead Redemption》內含: 史詩西部荒野冒險 在這款 2018 年廣受好評的暢銷鉅作《Red Dead Redemption 2》前作中,體驗約翰·瑪斯頓橫跨幅員遼闊的美國西部和...
《Red Dead Redemption》连「Undead Nightmare 不死梦魇」 8月17日 闯进 PS4版 / PS5版向下兼容游玩 (中文版) 🐴官网详情:http://t.cn/A60QRYns http://t.cn/A608e4Uw
5. Red Dead Redemption 2 (Image credit: Rockstar Games) It’s finally here. After more than a year of waiting, the previously PS4-exclusive cowboy simulator from GTA giants Rockstar galloped onto PC in 2019, and it’s the definitive version of the game. It’s the same story...
Play Red Dead Redemption 2: PlayStation and Rockstar Games Announce Partnership Video Like this John Koller Vice President, PlayStation Brand Marketing, SIEA For the past 20 years, Rockstar have continually redefined the concept of open worlds. From the record breaking Grand Theft Aut...
15. Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Morgan’s sprawling tale of loyalty, conviction, and the price of infamy is only the beginning of Red Dead Redemption 2. The marvelous PC port overhauled and further enhanced the gorgeous wild western atmosphere of Rockstar's most recent (for now) open-world...
大镖客最初于2004年推出叫《荒野大镖客:救赎》(Red Dead Revolver),随后在2010年发布了续作《荒野大镖客:救赎》(Red Dead Redemption),以及2018年的最新作品《荒野大镖客2》(Red Dead Redemption 2)。 这款游戏讲述了一个西部牛仔故事,玩家扮演主角约翰·马斯顿(John Marston),在一个充满暴力和冒险的世界中追捕逃...
Red Dead Redemption 即将登陆 PlayStation 4 Rockstar Games 正在将 Red Dead Redemption 带到其他平台,但它们可能不是您一直渴望的平台。从 8 月 17 日起,Red Dead Redemption 及其僵尸资料片 Undead Nightmare 将以单一包的形式在 PlayStation 4 和 Nintendo Switch 上发售。 Undead Nightmare 是一个独立的...
Winner of over 175 Game of the Year Awards and recipient of over 250 perfect scores, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of honor and loyalty at the dawn of the modern age From the creators of Grand Theft Auto V Epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age Rated ...