注意第二步游戏目录是指游戏安装目录!里面有两个图标一个playRDR2,一个RDR2,选后者进行操作! 2楼2019-11-06 12:44 回复 争取活到150✔ 黑市商人 7 我的没反应,贴吧各种方法都试了,都不行 来自Android客户端3楼2019-11-06 13:03 回复
RDR2 was initially playable in VR, thanks to Luke Ross’s REAL VR mod. Unfortunately, the mod isn’t available on his Patreon anymore. However, users can still download the mod from the Internet Archive. Users can find all kinds of mods on the Internet Archive as the site stores all da...
Morning, please I have downloaded and installed red dead redemption 2 and I have to know if my graphics card can run this game, note that I have win11 on my PC. When I run the game I always have ERR_GFX_INT error. I tried all YouTube methods to solve this problem and , nothing ...
Re:WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR when playing RDR 2 after like 15 minutes of playtime I uninstalled the previous gpu drivers using DDU and reinstalled the lenovo recommended ones, the game now works in vulkan without blue screening but I will ...
Red Dead Redemption 2 Winner of over 175 Game of the Year Awards and recipient of over 250 perfect scores, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of honor and loyalty at the dawn of the modern age. Includes Red Dead Redemption 2: Story Mode and Red Dead Online. ...
Hey everyone! Are there any RDR2 Roleplays left on Playstation? I merely wonder as I heard about them more frequently when the game first released, but never got around to trying it. Now, I'd like to give it a go but cannot find groups that deal in rolep