Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Paradise Killer Disco Elysium: The Final Cut Platform: PS4 Release: 5/9/2024 Publisher: CAPCOM CO., LTD. Genres: Adventure Voice: Chinese, English, French (France), German, Japanese, Korean ...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy(逆转裁判123成步堂精选集) (中日英韩文版) Deluxe -67% HK$75.24HK$228.00 PS4 游戏套装ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - TOP GUN: Maverick 数字豪华版 (游戏) HK$699.00 PS4 太鼓之达人 合奏咚咚咚! (中日英韩文版) ...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy(逆转裁判123成步堂精选集) (中日英韩文版) Deluxe HK$228.00 PS4 逆转裁判456 王泥喜精选集 (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) HK$388.00 PS4 游戏套装逆转裁判123+456 精选集 (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) ...
انضم إلى Ryunosuke Naruhodo، سلف سلسلة Phoenix Wright الأساسية، وهو يحاول الكشف عن الأسرار خلف مؤامرة إجرامية دو...
Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Mods Miscellaneous Playstation Button Prompts Endorsements 3 Unique DLs ...
#海外游戏精选#抽丝剥茧理清复杂线索,胆大心细揭开案情真相。《Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy》即将上线,无论是人性扭曲还是道德沦丧,新人律师照单全收,还请大家多多关照!
《Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy(逆轉裁判123成步堂精選集)》| PS4 在這款經典的法庭冒險遊戲中扮演成步堂龍一,體驗刺激的法庭交鋒、拯救無辜的被告人。這款精美的合輯擁有頭三款遊戲,讓你暢玩全14集內容。解決每個案情背後引人入勝的懸疑劇情,揭露最終的真相。
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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice, all of which are remastered in high-definition. Hold it! Get ready to battle for justice when Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy brings courtroom catharsis...
Edgeworth and Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit”. The latter is being released for the first time here in the US and leaves for only one more title to be rereleased outside of Nintendo’s handheld ecosystem (looking at you Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace...