如果某人订阅了 Apple Music,则所有人都可以使用其 iPhone 上的“音乐”App 在 HomePod、Apple TV、蓝牙扬声器上或在车内播放和控制音乐。了解需要满足什么条件和通过什么方式,才能发起和加入同播共享音乐会话。 需要满足什么条件才能发起或加入同播共享音乐会话 ...
乘客可通过两种方式加入同播共享:轻点其 iPhone 上的通知或扫描二维码(位于 CarPlay 车载“播放中”屏幕或另一位乘客 iPhone 上的“播放中”屏幕)。 开始前 驾驶员必须拥有运行 iOS 17 或更高版本的 iPhone 并且订阅 Apple Music。 乘客必须拥有运行 iOS 17 或更高版本的 iPhone,但无需订阅 Apple Music。每个...
If you don’t see this option, sign in to Apple Music using your Apple ID. You must be an Apple Music subscriber to access your music on your other devices using Sync Library. 2. To turn on your music library on another device, do any of the following: • An iPhone, iPad, or i...
Apple Music is a monthly subscription service. You need to pay $9.99 a month or $14.99 a month for a family of up to 6 people to visit the full Apple Music Library, with over 75 million songs. As a member of Apple Music, you can play Apple Music on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac...
CarPlay能够访问速度、油耗、温度或空调功能、机油液位、轮胎压力或电动汽车的电池电量等数据。从视觉上看,CarPlay就像是一只(数据)章鱼般在车内展开,可以在多个屏幕上同时使用。例如,如果主屏幕用于导航,则可在另一个显示屏上控制媒体的播放。今后,通过Siri(驾驶员无需打字)语音从苹果音乐(Apple Music)或...
Get Apple iPhone 4 support for the topic: Play music. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com.
一些新车型,如捷尼赛思GV60、现代Ioniq 6、起亚Telluride或梅赛德斯-奔驰E级轿车,还支持CarPlay的数字车钥匙功能,这意味着它们可以用iPhone上锁或解锁。如上文所述,保时捷就正在着手整合下一代CarPlay。据一位发言人称,具体的实施日期取决于项目的进一步进展。
How to play music on your iPhone and iPad Once you've got your favorite music, just tap a song to start playback. You can expand the music player to get more options. With Documents, you can shuffle and loop music tracks as well as change the playback speed. ...
How do I transfer hi-res files to my iPhone? (Image credit: Apple) Before the advent of hi-res music streaming services, hi-res files would normally be stored on a computer, and you’d need to employ a third-party app such as Vox or Onkyo HF player to play them back on your smar...
今后,通过Siri(驾驶员无需打字)语音从苹果音乐(Apple Music)或其他音频应用程序中搜索喜欢的歌曲,车内所有人都可以借助SharePlay“贡献”出自己的歌单。音乐迷们一定会对此感到特别高兴,因为自己的汽车往往是他们最后的避风港和声音空间,在那里他们可以不带耳机、不受干扰地聆听自己的播放列表,而不会打扰到其他的人。