在Unity开发中,Play Mode是一个非常方便的功能,可以在运行游戏时进行实时编辑和测试。然而,一旦退出Play Mode,所有更改都将消失。这可能会导致一些问题,特别是在进行游戏设计时。幸运的是,有一种叫做Play Mode Save的工具,可以帮助您保存在Play Mode中所做的更改。 特点: 可以保存对任何组件、内置或自定义组件所做...
Unity:You must exit play mode to save the scene问题解决 出现上述错误时,通常是处于游戏模式也就是play mode的状态下进行保存操作,此时无法完成保存指令。 通常遇到这个问题时已经进入游戏模式且没有添加退出功能,下面首先介绍一下游戏退出功能的实现: 我们通常习惯使用esc键退出应用,因此这里使用esc键触发退出游戏模...
在EditMode,将SavePlayModeChanges组件添加到目标对象上,然后将要保存的组件拖放到SavePlayModeChanges组件的componentsToSave槽中。 未经严格测试,使用时注意检查! 源代码: usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Reflection;usingSystem.Linq;usingUnityEngine;usingUDebug=UnityEngine.Debug;#if UNITY_EDIT...
在运行场景的时候过一段时间自动弹出you mest exit play mode to save the scene 我没有按保存或者别的东西,正常的摄像机移动慕标琳琳 浏览3716回答1 1回答 红糖糍粑 因为的脚本fire1默认键是左ctrl和鼠标左键 当你运行游戏时按s键的同时也按住鼠标左键 这就相当于按住了ctrl+s保存按钮 所以才会提示这个窗口 ...
Add the SavePlayModeChanges component to the root of any hierarchies you’d like saved. That’s it! Method Unlike other tools (such as PlayModePersist), this approximates the common trick of copy/pasting gameobjects from play mode to edit mode. We couldn’t find a way to do this exactl...
public class PlayModeEditHelper { private static PlayModeEditHelper _instance; public static PlayModeEditHelper Instance { get { if (_instance == null) _instance = new PlayModeEditHelper(); return _instance; } } //在构造函数中 注册修改事件 ...
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: true Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false) Known server brands: forge Level was modded: true Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServ...
ALLM is only available on compatible TVs with HDMI 2.1 and might also be referred to as Game Mode in the TV’s settings. This feature won’t work when you’re using a Media App or watching TV, but your TV display should revert to its previous mode when you’re no longer gaming. You...
PlayMode.MODE_STREAM); } Step 2 - Set a listener to observe the end of the audio stream playback. audioRender.setFrameIntervalObserver(() -> { if (audioRender.getAudioTime().getFramePosition() != 0) { if (audioPlayListener != null) { audioPlayListener.onComplete(); } release(...
By omitting the --evaluate flag, you can run PPLM in an interactive mode.python main.py -D AG_NEWS --label_class 0 --length 30 --num_samples 10 --evaluate --verbose --all_starter --wd python main.py -D AG_NEWS --label_class 1 --length 30 --num_samples 10 --evaluate --...