In Windows Media Player, you can play audio CDs, data CDs, and data DVDs that contain music or video files (also known as media CDs). You can also play video CDs (VCDs), which are similar to DVDs, although the video quality isn't as high. If you have a DVD driv...
In Windows Media Player, you can play audio CDs, data CDs, and data DVDs that contain music or video files (also known as media CDs). You can also play video CDs (VCDs), which are similar to DVDs, although the video quality isn't as high. If you have a DVD driv...
使用Windows Media Player 11翻录CD非常简单,把CD放进电脑的光驱里,打开Windows Media Player 11,选好你需要翻录的格式(默认是WMA),然后点击菜单里的“翻录CD” 按钮即可,翻录后的文件默认放在“ C:\Users\Administrator\Music ”目录下。Windows Media Player 11可以把CD音乐翻录成以下六种格式:1...
插入DVD后,打开Windows Media Player。 选择“播放”菜单,点击“DVD”。 选择你要播放的DVD,点击“播放”。 2. VLC媒体播放器 VLC是一款免费的开源媒体播放器,支持几乎所有格式的音频和视频文件,包括光盘。 播放音乐CD: 下载并安装VLC媒体播放器。 插入音乐CD,打开VLC。 点击“媒体”菜单,选择“打开光盘”。 选择...
使用Windows Media Player 11翻录CD非常简单,把CD放进电脑的光驱里,打开Windows Media Player 11,选好你需要翻录的格式(默认是WMA),然后点击菜单里的“翻录CD” 按钮即可,翻录后的文件默认放在“ C:\Users\Administrator\Music ”目录下。Windows Media Player 11可以把CD音乐翻录成以下六种格式: ...
具体就是这样。其实,如果不想用别软件,可以直接把APE分轨并转换后添加到Windows Media Player中,用这个也很方便,我当时初装win7时没装任何与刻录有关的软件,也用过这个,挺不错的。顺便说一句,音乐CD镜像是不能保存为ISO文件的,只能存为BIN+CUE形式、nero镜像(*.nrg)、酒精120%镜像(后缀忘...
C# 怎么用几行代码做一个录制CD音质的录音机 How to make a CD quality audio recorder in C# with just a few lines ? WTFPL 代码亲测可用, 放心复制粘贴。做好的软件, 可以在这里下载:
Method 1:In VLC Media Player on Windows, choose Media > Open File. You will get a browser-like dialog to choose the most wanted ISO image and then click the “Open” button to play the ISO file immediately. Method 2:Open your Windows Explorer Window. Drag the ISO file into the interfa...
This includes a CD. All you have to do is follow these simple steps. Download PowerDVD for free. Install PowerDVD on your machine. Insert a compact disc. Your content will play automatically. If you prefer to use Windows Media Player, simply follow these steps. Insert the disk into your...
AxWindowsMediaPlayer Object (VB and C#) Interfaces for Visual Basic .NET and C# Interfaces for Visual Basic .NET and C# IWMPCdrom Interface (VB and C#) IWMPCdromBurn Interface (VB and C#) IWMPCdromCollection Interface (VB and C#) IWMPCdromRip Interface (VB and C#) IWMPClosedCaption...