Head shoulders knees and toes 2021-06-10 03:41:4600:43 21 所属专辑:PlayMatters 经典童谣2 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Head, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toesAnd eyes, and ears, and mouth, and noseHead, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toes...
《头肩膝盖和脚趾 Head Shoulders Knees & Toes》幼儿启蒙英语儿歌 01:11 愤怒的蜜蜂 | 超级汽车儿歌童谣 | 汽车动画| 赛车救护车🚑大货车🚚 | 交通工具认识 04:23 森林营救行动 | 超级汽车儿歌童谣 | 汽车动画| 警车消防车救护车 | 交通工具认识 04:27 《天气怎么样 How Is The Weather》幼儿启蒙...
经典慢速英语儿歌: Head, shoulders, knees and toes~ 边唱边认识身体部位~英语启蒙~ 02:05 【英语儿歌1000集】Row, Row, Row Your Boat《划船歌》精选欧美高清原版英文儿歌 02:40 英文儿歌-Five Little Ducks-五只小鸭,英语启蒙 02:08 英语启蒙儿歌: This is the way 0-3岁幼儿早教英文儿歌 益趣早...
Skidamarink 34 2021-06 11 pat a cake 27 2021-07 10 Head shoulders knees and toes 21 2021-06 9 A sailor went to sea 41 2021-05 8 5 Momkeys 14 2021-07 7 Jungle animals 34 2021-05 6 Itsy Bitsy Spider 37 2021-06 5 Rainbow rainbow ...
金宝贝歌词:1Sing GymboreeHey, all you friends out thereGet some songs we’d like to shareHelp us welcome this Gymboree dayIn your own wonderful waySing, sing, sing with meWon’t you sing a song with meFill your heart with a melodyAnd sing GymboreeThere is a special place I knowWhere ...
Yell you're name like you're in a crowd Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes Knees and toes Head and shoulders knees and toes Eye ear mouth and nose Ha ha That's was fun Oh my goodness Oh I like this game Me too Fun Ha ha Sing...
3. 通过歌曲《Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes》改编成动作歌,让学生在唱歌的同时练习跑和跳的动作。4. 使用多媒体展示图片和视频,帮助学生理解名词的复数形式,并通过互动问答环节巩固学习。 教学过程 1. 导入(约5分钟)- 激发兴趣:展示一系列与“playtime”相关的图片,如滑梯、球类、玩具等,引导学生说出这些...
在过去的20年里,她一直是Child’s Play的艺术总监,同时也为许多儿童作品做插图,包括Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes(这本书获得了2002年塞恩斯伯里婴儿图书奖)。 目录· ··· 1)What's the Time, Mr. Wolf? (几点了,狼先生?) 2)See You Later, Alligator! (回头见,短吻鳄) 3)Dinosaur...
We began the class with an engaging warm-up song called "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes," which involved various movements. The students thoroughly enjoyed participating in this activity. Following the warm-up, we proceeded to review the vocabulary and sentences covered in the previous class. ...
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, Knees and Toes When you use Play-Doh, you can teach your little ones about their body parts. You can guide them to form lips, teeth, or eyes; but you can also work on making a whole person out of Play-Doh. And as you do so, direct them to ...