FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn [Expansion Pack] Heavensward [Expansion Pack] Stormblood [Expansion Pack] Shadowbringers [Expansion Pack] Endwalker [Expansion Pack] Dawntrail 30-day free play period* Complete Collector’s Ed. PS4PS5 FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn [Expansion Pack] Heavenswar...
游戏套装FINAL FANTASY XIV Online - Complete Edition (日语, 英语) HK$468.00 PS5PS4 追加内容包FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail - Collector’s Edition [PS4 & PS5] (日语, 英语) -30% HK$327.60HK$468.00 PS5PS4 追加内容包FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail [PS4 & PS5] (日语, 英语) ...
Form parties with other adventurers, raid dungeons, and defeat monsters together! Choose the content you want to experience and you'll be smoothly matched with others challenging the same goal. Whether starting solo, or with friends, you'll be on the path to victory in no time!
Final Fantasy XIV presenta un enorme mundo interconectado con diversas ubicaciones que albergan todo tipo de criaturas. Comenzarás en uno de los tres territorios principales: Limsa Lominsa si elegiste un Saqueador o Arcanista; Ul'dah si eliges un Pugilista, un Gladiador o un Taumaturgo; o...
FINAL FANTASY XIV - PlayStation®Plus Belohnung: Weiterer Ätheryt als kostenloser Favorit (Oktober - Dezember) Zum Bewerten anmelden Bewertungen globaler Spieler 4.67Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.67 von 5 Sternen aus 61 Bewertungen 61 Bewertungen 84 % 7 % 7 % 0 % 3 % Diese Belohnun...
這首樂曲也有包含《FINAL FANTASY XIV》中歐米茄相關樂曲的混音。 這雖然源自於作曲家祖堅正慶對於歐米茄的創意構想,但在故事上與《FINAL FANTASY XIV》並沒有任何關聯。 無論如何,這是一首非常適合《FINAL FANTASY XVI》中與歐米茄戰鬥的超酷樂曲,因此,我們希望玩家能在沒有任何《FINAL FANTASY XIV》相關預設立場的情...
面对终焉时能燃起怎样的希望之光? 《Final Fantasy XIV》6.0 资料片「晓月的终焉」正式揭晓,光之勇士即将“登月”。90级新篇章,还有全新职业“贤者”加入冒险。#海外游戏精选#
Final Fantasy XIV - PlayStation 3 Add $16.95 current price $16.95 $19.99 Was $19.99 Final Fantasy XIV - PlayStation 3 63.7 out of 5 Stars. 6 reviews Pre-Owned Final Fantasy X-2 - PS2 $8.99 current price $8.99 Pre-Owned Final Fantasy X-2 - PS2 ...
《FINAL FANTASY》的精髓所在 吉田身為資深製作人,主導過廣受好評的《FINAL FANTASY XIV》的重啟,他很明白《FINAL FANTASY》這個名字所承擔的期望。他說:「為了不同而不同,反而是種容易的選擇。」「但對我而言,《FF》系列的核心元素是電影感、動人故事以及撐起整個遊戲的戰鬥系統,當然還有劃世代的視覺效果和繚繞於...
You read that right, there is a new Final Fantasy XIV Free Login Campaign that is now available on PC and PS4. Players who are no longer active subscribers can jump back into the game and enjoy themselves some free MMORPG goodness. This is a great way to prepare for the upcoming Shadow...