十年之约 DOTA2首部官方纪录片 《Free To Play》心竞技 含幕后花絮和删减片段 cookoocooky1 548 0 第1部讲述DOTA2的纪录片《free to play》心竞技精华版,展示了EHOME当年的王者之姿,中国选手的荣耀感和对外国选手的压迫感 波特看刀塔 1.0万 17 [纪录片回顾] 从TI1到TI7 (TI7已更新) DOTA2_Nano- 31.0...
A directory of free online games that are multiplayer, realtime, and graphical. If you know of any good free online games that meet this criteria and aren't included in this list, you can submit them using this form.Entropia Universe Free science fiction RPG: "The Entropia Universe is ...
DotaPod was created free for everyone during my free time. It has been a long time, and I have never revealed much about myself. Most of you know me as "sprion". My real name is JERIC陳傑瑞, and I'm an actor, singer-producer in Asia.Come say hi! (on Discord) ...
Free To Play - The must see Dota 2 movie in quotes© Valve Whether you're a fan of Dota 2, eSports in general or you just happened to log onto Steam recently, it can’t have escaped your notice that Valve’s Dota 2 documentary, Free To Play launched earlier this month. If you ...
7回复贴,共1页 <返回dota2吧现在买Free to Play 的DLC,送的三套装,是正统吗?? 只看楼主收藏回复 felling_bd 癫狂之月 15 小白求解 送TA礼物 1楼2014-07-17 10:45回复 【漆黑之牙】 3154 13 半价不是纯正的 2楼2014-07-17 10:47 收起回复 【漆黑之牙】 3154 13 其实你想要的话可以去...
Free To Play 幕后花絮 - 首映式互动环节 幕后花絮 - DOTA的世界 幕后花絮 - 大结局 删减片段 - 与DENDI游览利沃夫 删减片段 - 总决赛的清晨 删减片段 - HYHY家附近的社区 删减片段 - FEAR的跳投 删减片段 - 片头动画特典 删减片段 - 开场片段特典
Dota2 Free To Play成就完成方法如下:GG成就:看完正片就好啦,就像看完一部精彩的电影一样。Missing成就:看完所有删减片段,不过别担心,这些片段可以直接拉到最后看,不会影响成就的解锁哦。Care成就:看完所有幕后花絮,这样就能更深入地了解Dota2和这部纪录片背后的故事啦。Well Played - Dendi成就...
Dota2 Free To Play成就怎么完成1、GG:看完正片;2、Missing:看完所有删减片段;3、Care:看完所有幕后花絮;4、Well Played - Dendi:看完Dendi的解说(观看正片时,选择音轨Dendi);5、Well Played - Fear:看完Fear的解说( 观看正片时,选择音轨Fear) ;备注:1)missing中的片段可以直接拉到...
《DOTA2》Free to Play发布会性感美女Cos图赏 北京时间3月19日,《DOTA2》Free To Play在上海首映,除了一些职业圈的老面孔,现场还有许多性感妹子的Cosplay!一起来领略下她们的热情吧! 发布会现场Cosplay 38 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 《DOTA2》Free to Play发布会美女COS图集...
一部《Free to play》,道出了刀塔人为梦想奋斗的艰辛历程,也完美的演绎了DOTA2游戏的魅力。电影中一个极其闪亮的点就是对于比赛场面的再诠释,如同3D电影一般的震撼感受,不仅还原了比赛的每一个精彩镜头,更是将比赛进程完整细化,展现了一个不一样的DOTA2,DOTA2神剪辑大片:Lfree to play 中的超赞SFM动画合集 ...