Get your app on the Google Play store to let Android users download and use your app on their smartphones and tablets. In order to submit your app to Google Pla
I'm tried to publish my own application in play store. For this, I need to make a google play developer console account. But it asks us to pay 25$(1708.10 rupees). Why t
填写完毕后点击“完成注册”就会自动跳转至Google play Developer Console 界面,点击“订单管理”-”注册商业账户”。 注意:商业账户需要填写客户信息和公开信息,客户信息中的国家/地区,只能填写一次,后期无法修改,收款账户的所在地和填写的这个国家必须保持一致。 【收款篇】 1、添加付款方式登录Google开发者后台,链接地...
第一步 获取code(离线code) 组合URL,如下: scope= state=123456& redirect_uri=developers console中设置的重新導向 URI& response_type=code& client_id=developers console中的ClientID& approval_prompt=force &acc...
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Sign in to with your PSN account details to see offers tailored for you, check your PS Stars status, manage your account settings & more. Don't have an account? Click the create account button below to get started with a PSN account. ...
点击add创建服务帐户。 在服务帐户的详细信息,键入一个名称,ID和服务帐户的描述,然后单击创建并继续。 可选:在授予此服务帐户访问到项目中,选择IAM角色授予服务帐户。(我理解应该是必选) 点击继续。 可选:在授予用户访问该服务帐户,添加允许使用和管理服务帐户的用户或组。(我理解也是可选,我没选) 点击完成。 点...
Sign in to the Google Play Developer Console with the same account you used to configure the connection between Intune and Android Enterprise. Note If you're signing in for the first time, you must register and pay a fee to become a member of the Google Developer program. In the ... 新建主题 创建订阅 输入回调服务端地址(付款成功后进行回调) 并且需要设置必须添加) 参考网址
Can I change the country in Google Play console? In the Google Play Console, developers can choose which countries their apps are available in. However, the console itself doesn’t have a setting to change the developer’s country. The country for developers is typically associated with their ...