Chess puzzle of the week - White to play, Illescas Cordoba - Rachels, New 国际象棋搬运bot 41 0 Tang trapped Magnus Carlsen's Queen like a chad 国际象棋搬运bot 147 0 16-year-old youngster takes on Super GM | Volodar Murzin vs Richard Rapport 国际象棋搬运bot 122 0 New Shades, New...
Chess puzzle of the week - White to play, Georgiev-Mahajan 2022 国际象棋搬运bot 11 0 Chess puzzle of the week - White to play, Georgiev-Mahajan 2022 国际象棋搬运bot 3 0 Magnus thinks for more than five minutes and makes the most insane move | P 国际象棋搬运bot 9 0 When You Use...
Play chess online for free on with over 150 million members from around the world. Have fun playing with friends or challenging the computer!
In chess, the more pieces you have on the board, the easier it is to play for a win, and the Pirc Defense certainly keeps pieces on the board. Adding to your winning chances is the flexibility of the Pirc Defense. This flexibility makes it harder for White to play against the Pirc De...
The Chessnut application connects your Chessnut chessboard to your mobile device, providing you with a complete, consistent, and convenient user experience. It…
Get ready for a unique game of chess. Play with your buddies or practice with an AI. Show off your talents while having a great time. Play Now! Features of Pl…
There are tons of different moves you can make in Chess. You can start out by getting one of your Knights out, trying to flank with a Pawn on the edge, or going directly at your opponent by moving a Pawn to the center. The last option is generally regarded as the best first move ...
Liquid chess engine tries to replicate human play, self-adjusting according to the opponent's Lichess blitz rating, named Liquid as it adapts to the opponent's rating play meaning plays strong against stronger players, weak against beginner players. ...
How do you beat the Scotch? The Scotch is best countered by seeking active and rapid development and by taking advantage of the openness of the position to create long-range threats. Chess Openings,The Scotch Game Was this helpful?Share it with a friend :)...
Chess is played with 32 pieces – 16 white and 16 black. There is a mix of different playing pieces, each with different strengths:King,Queen,Rooks,Knights,BishopsandPawns. Moves are always made in turns (with the exception of castling). ...