Google Play Books is a free app for the Google Chrome web browser and Chromebook operating system that allows users to access their Google books from the dock or browser toolbar. Unlike the official Google Books webpage, the Google Play Books app is free from clutter and aims to create a ...
厂商名称:微软移动联新互联网服务有限公司 官网: 包名 名称:Google Play Books MD5值:60a5fc846df6d0acc9a3cb2e263a7804 备案号:京ICP备10036305号-19A 隐私政策:点击查看相关下载...
谷歌图书(Googleplay Books)在中国就称为谷歌图书,是一个资源优势的电子书销售市场,数据信息做到上百万之多,并且資源大多数是付钱的,一些付费的在购买前可以先浏览,这一或是非常好的。 软件简介 Google Play书籍是您享有从Google Play购买的有声读物和电子书需要的一个应用软件。
电子书搜索器 eBook Search 書籍 50000 Books, Audiobooks: Libby 書籍 Ebook Reader 書籍 Offline Books - Read Unlimited 書籍 Everand: Ebooks and audiobooks 書籍 Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. 保留一切權利。 網路服務條款 App Store 與隱私權 Cookie 警告 支援 ...
attractive and organized than the one incorporated in the Kindle store. It's perfect for mobile browsing. You can also veryeasily pay with your Google Play details or with PayPal. However, it's not incorporated into the app so you do have to go outside to the books section of the Google...
2、点击Any Books的选项。将其更改为下拉菜单中的免费Google电子书以缩小搜索结果。当您找到要下载的图书时,请点击该图书以打开其页面,然后选择屏幕顶部的添加到我的图书馆 。如果您更愿意以PDF格式下载图书,请转到设置齿轮图标并选择下载PDF。 3、搜索结果中的一些书籍不会成为经典甚至是公共领域的书籍; 有些只是有...
谷歌电子书,一般又称google play books,GoogleeBook。 这是一个通吃的电子书市场,可以找到超过300万本书,大多是付费的,通过Google Checkout购买,购买前可预览几页。其中包含很多中国出版的图书,甚至有很多扫描的免费老书。但目前仅支持美国人购买(当然你可以伪装成美国人去 买),Google eBooks将在2011年*季度逐渐国际...
All the books you love. On the page or out loud. Anywhere you are. Meet Google Play Books for iOS: the one app to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from Google Play.…
All the books you love. On the page or out loud. Anywhere you are. Meet Google Play Books for iOS: the one app to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from Google Play. Dive into a great book today with millions of titles from Google Play on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Download your...
Play Kobo Books - eBooks Audiobooks with NoxPlayer on PC easier! Simple Method Method 1. Click "Download on PC" to download NoxPlayer and apk file at the same time. Once installation completes, play the game on PC. Method 2. If you already have NoxPlayer on PC, click "Download APK"...