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Play for free Action Massive amount of action is waiting for you! Create your own vehicle, which you will use to fighting with other players' vehicles, on all kinds of arenas. The goal is to destroy all of your enemies. Crossout is an extremely complex battlefield simulator in which not...
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Completely free to play A turn based strategy game set in World War II Exciting campaigns and difficult tasks Historical units from the United States and Japan For both fractions, infantry, artillery, tanks, airplanes, battleships, and submarines are available. ...
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\Profiles\Custom\Video.con And change the FOV by adjusting the "renderer.fieldOfView" value in the VideoDefault.com file Example (for 16:9): renderer.fieldOfView 1.33333 In my case I changed the file in two locations:...
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{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":6094200,"subject":"Battlefield 1942 Windows 11 Graphics and Game Play Issue","id":"message:6094200","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":5},"Conversation:conversation:6094200":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:6094200","solved"...