Welcome to my weekly series ofplay based learningposts. It is my aim to inspire, support and encourage both parents and educators to provide simple budget friendly play experiences for children under 5 . Each week I’ll take you on a journey through some of the activities I shared wi...
Child-centered, play-based learning is a whole-child educational approach that promotes academic, socio-emotional, and cognitive development through free play, which can also involve guided play by an adult. In guided play, teachers enhance children's ex
One of the key benefits of play-based learning is that it helps children build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills. By engaging in play, children are able to explore different concepts and ideas in a hands-on way. They can experiment with cause and effect, practice problem-solving,...
Play-basedLearning LennieBarblett Transcript LennieBarblett:ThethreeunderlyingideasoftheEarlyYearsLearningFramework aregreatideas—Belonging,BeingandBecoming.They'rethree interwovenideas.Onedoesn'tstandseparatefromtheothers.They're threetogetherandtheyareallaboutchildreninthehereandthenow andthefuture. Thestructure...
Again, play-based learning can be adapted for children based on their age and where they are in their personal development. Additionally, activities can be physical and in the “real world” and they can be digital and facilitated on a device like an iPad. ...
Recognising the importance of play is not new: over two millennia ago, the Greek philosopher Plato extolled its virtues as a means of developing skills for adult life, and ideas about play-based learning have been developing since the 19th century. ...
First grade teacher, Mr. Matthews recently completed an IB course about the benefits of Play Based Learning. “It inspired me to explore some exciting ideas with the other elementary teachers in terms of how we can integrate more play-based and outdoor learning into our educational experiences,...
Most times that I scroll through my facebook feed I am confronted with countless new, ‘fun’, ‘amazing’ ideas of what people are calling ‘play based learning’. But I fear we have become a little confused. With the push for kids to be learning more and more at even younger ages,...
上一期和大家分享了 play-based learning 玩乐学习的一些介绍。这一期给大家分享在play-based learning里面很重要的一种游戏类型-sensory play/messy play感知游戏。从婴儿时期孩们就开始自己对周围环境的探索,可能一些宝爸宝妈会有同感最常见的一种方式是看到宝宝吃东西,吃桌角, 吃勺子,吃被子。在婴儿发育初期孩子...
9 Stephen and Edwards10 describe the influence of Alan Kay11 in predicting a Dynamic Book as a learning resource for young children based on his reading of key early childhood thinkers, including Montessori, Piaget, Bruner and Vygotsky as a fore-runner to the range of touchscreen technologies ...