WebView Html Play Audio Android项目中,WebView加载网页,由网页代码去播放声音 //播放声音的JSfunctionplayAudio(filePath) {varaudio =newAudio(); audio.src=filePath; audio.play(); } 有时候会出现,声音不能播放,看了后台Log发现,是MediaPlay在设置数据路径的时候出现了异常,由路径中的空白符导致! 将声音...
1、问题描述 使用js播放audio视频时,用户没有点击浏览器,此时是无法触发js事件中的play的,报错信息如下:Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failedbecausethe userdidn'tinteract with the document 如下代码: <!DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><title>音节导航</title><style...
Using jQuery to control HTML5 element, I'm trying to use jQuery to control an HTML5 audio element, but I'm no genius with JS. What I want is for the player to start on page load, which I've done, but when the play button is clicked, I want to check whether or not the audio...
<html><head><title>How to Play Pause & Stop Audio file using JavaScript & HTML5</title></head><body><h1style="color:red">The Audio File</h1><h2style="font-family: Algerian">DOM Audio play() method</h2><audioid="idAudio"><sourcesrc="sample1.mp3"type="audio/ogg"><sourcesrc="s...
⾳频播放audio中play()的踩坑audio的踩坑 1、问题描述 使⽤js播放audio视频时,⽤户没有点击浏览器,此时是⽆法触发js事件中的play的,报错信息如下:Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document 如下代码:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en...
原理: 在微信的JS-API 中 play 一下 audio 即可达到自动播放的目的(应该是微信自己做了处理)...
Audio play() 方法 Audio 对象 实例 带有播放和暂停按钮的一段音频: [mycode2] var x = document.getElementById('myAudio'); function playAudio() { x.play(); } function pauseAudio() { x.pause(); } [/mycode2] 尝试一下 » 定义..
We have recently discovered an issue when publishing for HTML5, where audio does not playback from the beginning. Using Captivate 9, if you have a page with multiple buttons on stage that each have a Play Audio action, you would expect each button when clicked to play the individual piece...
functionpauseAudio() { x.pause(); } Try it Yourself » Description The play() method starts playing the current audio. Tip:This method is often used together with thepause()method. Tip:Use thecontrolsproperty to display audio controls (like play, pause, seeking, volume, etc, attached on...
在一些移动端,尤其是ios中,audio不能在没有用户交互的情况下自动播放或有js直接控制播放。这是系统限制。 有用1 回复 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可以 和开发者交流问题的细节 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进 注册登录...