Learn how to play DVDs, Blu-rays, or your favorite media in virtually any file format with an enhanced audiovisual experience in just 4 steps.
使用Windows Media Player 11翻录CD非常简单,把CD放进电脑的光驱里,打开Windows Media Player 11,选好你需要翻录的格式(默认是WMA),然后点击菜单里的“翻录CD” 按钮即可,翻录后的文件默认放在“ C:\Users\Administrator\Music ”目录下。Windows Media Player 11可以把CD音乐翻录成以下六种格式:1...
Windows Windows 驅動程式 API 儲存體 Ntddcdrm.h 閱讀英文 TwitterLinkedInFacebook電子郵件 發行項 2023/08/08 意見反應 本文內容 語法 成員 備註 規格需求 另請參閱 具有控制項代碼的裝置控制 IRPIOCTL_CDROM_PLAY_AUDIO_MSF使用此結構來播放音訊 CD。
In Windows Media Player, you can play audio CDs, data CDs, and data DVDs that contain music or video files (also known as media CDs). You can also play video CDs (VCDs), which are similar to DVDs, although the video quality isn't as high. If you have a DVD drive and a compatibl...
CDROM_PLAY_AUDIO_MSF 结构包含起始和结束 MSF 值。 输入缓冲区长度I/O 堆栈位置中的 parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength 指示缓冲区的大小(以字节为单位),缓冲区的大小必须大于或等于 sizeof(CDROM_PLAY_AUDIO_MSF)。输出缓冲区没有。输出缓冲区长度...
FEATURE_DATA_CD_AUDIO_ANALOG_PLAY结构保存有关 CD 音频外部播放功能的信息。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_FEATURE_DATA_CD_AUDIO_ANALOG_PLAY{FEATURE_HEADER Header; UCHAR SeperateVolume :1; UCHAR SeperateChannelMute :1; UCHAR ScanSupported :1; UCHAR Reserved1 :5; UCHAR Reserved2; UCHAR Numer...
到位置指定播放的结束位置。 如果未指定“to”标志,播放会在内容末尾停止。 对于cdaudio设备,如果“to”位置大于光盘的结束位置,驱动程序将返回错误。 对于视频磁盘设备,CAV 光盘的默认位置以帧为单位,CLV 光盘的默认位置以小时、分钟和秒为单位。 window指定播放应使用与设备实例关联的窗口。 这是默认设置。
when i try to play an mp3 i get this message. Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There...
Before troubleshooting CD audio playback, make sure that you can play other local media such as the .wav or .mid audio files that are located in the C:\WINDOWS\Media folder. If Media Player cannot successfully play other local media, troubleshoot that issue before you continue CD audio play...