Meaning: Behave in a silly, or childish, or irresponsible way 以愚蠢,幼稚或不负责任的方式行事Example: Stop playing around, and get on with your homework. 停止游戏,继续做作业。Play around Meaning: Work with in a non-serious manner 以非认真的方式工作Example: You could build even more intere...
The meaning of PLAY AROUND is to have sex with someone who is not one's husband, wife, or regular partner —often + on —often + with. How to use play around in a sentence.
playaroundwith 盘弄() 例子: 泡妞 也可见: play around动— 玩耍动 play around— 玩乐 play动— 玩动 · 游戏动 · 演动 · 播放动 · 戏剧动 · 演奏动 · 扮演动 · 表演动 · 担当动 · 玩儿动 · 般乐动 · 耍子动 · 抏动 · ...
Advertisement Definitions(0) Idioms and PhrasesExample SentencesQuiz Advertisement View synonyms forplay around Discover More Idioms and Phrases Act playfully or irresponsibly, especially in having a casual or extramarital sexual relationship. For example,She got tired of his playing around and filed for...
The meaning of PLAY is to engage in sport or recreation : frolic. How to use play in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Play.
play around with something meaning, definition, what is play around with something: to keep moving or making changes to some...: Learn more.
play around meaning, definition, what is play around: to have a sexual relationship with someo...: Learn more.
The new territories mapped by the game and Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigms in everyday communication interfaces are a shift in how design incorporates new functions and meaning. Design itself has become a way to play with artifacts, complex systems and networks. Moving beyond formal and ...
to behave in a playful or frivolous manner; fool around. to be sexually promiscuous. to be sexually unfaithful. to exploit, as the feelings or weaknesses of another; take selfish advantage of: She would never think of playing on the good nature of others. ...
b(1) : to toy or fiddle around with something played with her food (2) : to deal or behave frivolously or mockingly : jest (3) : to deal in a light, speculative, or sportive manner (4) : to make use of double meaning or of the similarity of sound of two words for styl...