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IT之家 1 月 22 日消息,Apple Music 古典乐应用今日迎来更新,正式加入 CarPlay 支持,让用户在驾车时也能通过车载信息娱乐系统享受海量古典音乐。Apple Music 古典乐于 2023 年 3 月推出,为所有 Apple Music 订阅用户提供超过 500 万首古典音乐曲目,无需额外付费。来自苹果的音乐学家团队耗时超 7 年处理基础...
在Apple Music 上收听The Raymond Bell Orchestra and Chorus的《Play The Greatest Hits Of The 70's》。1972年。9 首歌曲。时长:23 分钟
Music Composition Music Production Music Software Music Theory Other In Music Playing Skills Recording And Audio Engineering Solo And Improvisation Learn from the experts - wherever you are in the world. Learn anything you want to know about music from the best instructors. Unlock unlimited access ...
据中国知识产权报,近日,北京市西城区人民法院一审审理了中国音乐著作权协会(下称音著协)诉北京首商集团股份有限公司西单商场(下称西单商场)在经营场所公开播放背景音乐《I PLAY MUSIC》涉嫌侵权案。 法院判决:西单商场未经著作权人许可在经营中公开播放背景音乐《I PLAY MUSIC》构成侵权,赔偿音著协经济损失5000元和合...
据海外媒体报道,通用汽车(GM)公司宣布将逐步淘汰苹果的CarPlay和Android Auto,将从2024年开始彻底放弃。除了通用汽车之外,其他车企也在逐步弃用苹果CarPlay。据资料显示,CarPlay的全球市场占有率一度超过50%,到2022年全球市场占有率下滑至30%。 而从车主的反馈来说,越来越多的车主,开始意识到新能源汽车的智能车机,...
通过在 Play Music 中加入人工智能技术,Google 希望为用户提供最完美的音轨服务。正如 Google Play Music 首席产品经理 Elias Roman 所言:与其让你找到最完美的音乐,不如让最完美的音乐直接找到你。新版的 Play Music 将于本周开始在全球 62 个国家推出,并将同时登录 Android、iOS 和 Web 三个平台。题图来自...
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Hard not to think they're pushing these updates to push people onto their "Own nothing and be happy" subscription replacement to this. I've seen speculation that it's about licenses and such, but that doesn't explain removing public domain classical music that is supposed to be in the ...
"After teaching guitar and music theory to thousands of students over past three decades, I thought that I had basically 'seen it all' when it comes to guitar instruction. Then I discovered Justin's website, and man was I impressed! Justin's caring spirit, attention to detail, vast knowle...