Part of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning: 1. Seeming reasonable, having the appearance of truth, apparently valid, credible, as 'a plausible theory'. 2. Believable, deceptively persuasive, ostensibly sincere and honest, as 'a plausible candidate for the job'. ...
Part of Speech (形) adjective Matching Results 䆗 yǎo deep and dark; profound, (same as 窈) tranquil; placid; serene, soft and pleasing; plausible; exquisite; very pleasant New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Cre...
plausible 'plɔːzəbəl Main Part of Speech(形) adjective Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful. Antonyms:implausible ...
Definitions plausiblerate (Adjective) believable plausiblerate (Adjective) acceptable Usage: police men gave a plausible proof. Link to this page: Add or improve a definition Word:* Part of speech: Definition:* Sample sentence: All definitions are approved by humans before publishing. Any ...
These computational models are trained to predict upcoming part-of-speech tags based on preceding part-of-speech tags and their predictions are compared with human predictions and human reading times from the PROVO corpus (Luke and Christianson 2018). A recurrent neural network is able to explain ...
A notion of space, which we basically have, plays an important part in the faculty of thinking and speech. In this paper, we concentrate on a particular class of spatial descriptions, namely descriptions about positional relations on a two-dimensional space. A theoretical device we present in ...
"It kind of fits: the complete oblivion to social cues (Piper's attempts at rejection, wondering why people call her Crazy Eyes), her speech volume, the outburst in the cafeteria, memorization of Shakespeare, precision when it comes to cleaning, hitting herself after the... C...
"It kind of fits: the complete oblivion to social cues (Piper's attempts at rejection, wondering why people call her Crazy Eyes), her speech volume, the outburst in the cafeteria, memorization of Shakespeare, precision when it comes to cleaning, hitting herself after the... C...
The Role of Auditory and Visual Cues in the Perception of Mandarin Emotional Speech in Male Drug Addicts Evidence from previous neurological studies has revealed that drugs can cause severe damage to the human brain structure, leading to significant cognitive ... P Geng,N Fan,R Ling,... - 《...
Associations among speech, eating, and body image concerns for surgical patients with head and neck cancer. Head Neck. 2013;35:354–60. Article PubMed Google Scholar Fingeret MC, Yuan Y, Urbauer D, Weston J, Nipomnick S, Weber R. The nature and extent of body image concerns among ...