instead of greed, and that educational systems needed to be developed in order to teach students how to reason and think.Colleges and universities around the world still use Plato's The Republic in philosophy classes, and many governmental systems worldwide rely on his theories to rule their ...
Plato was a student and follower of Socrates until 399, when the condemned Socrates died after drinking the prescribed cup of hemlock. It is through Plato that we are most familiar with Socrates' philosophy because he wrote dialogues in which his teacher took part, usually asking leading question...
leaderswho ruled from logic instead of greed, and that educational systemsneeded to be developed in order to teach students how to reason andthink.Colleges and universities around the world still use Plato's The Republicin philosophy classes, and many governmental systems worldwide rely onhis theor...
The reason was that the explanations they offered did not actually explain.doi:10.1007/978-94-011-3276-3_3Zev BechlerSpringer Netherlands
For philosophy…if pursued in moderation and at the proper age, is an elegant accomplishment, but too much philosophy is the ruin of human life. 適度適時學習哲學是一種巧妙成就,但過度就會變成人生的毀滅。 GORGIAS Beauty is certainly a soft, smooth, slippery thing, and therefore of a nature...
THE PHILOSOPHY OF PLATO 1 Life and Works 生平与作品 Plato was born into a wealthy family in the last days of the Athenian Empire. 柏拉图出生于雅典帝国末期的一个富裕家庭。 When the Peloponnesian war ended in 405 he was in his early twenties, just old enough to have fought in it, as ...
THE PHILOSOPHY OF PLATO 2 Plato’s Republic 柏拉图的《理想国》 Plato relied on the Theory of Ideas not only in the area of logic and metaphysics, but also in the theory of knowledge and in the foundations of morality. To see the many different uses to which he put it in the years of...
(One aspect of Plato’s philosophy not covered by these articles is his philosophy of mind, but see the relevant sections of the article “Ancient Theories of Soul.”) Among the numerous collections on Plato, Fine 1999 and Vlastos 1971 are outstanding. Vlastos 1981 collects the essays of ...
thoughts from the teacher’s. But, although it is not believed that Plato recorded Socrates’ speeches word-for-word, Plato may have written down accurate recollections of his teacher’s discussions. And so, scholars today look to Plato’s works as the primary source for Socrates’ philosophy....
Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato,- at once the glory and the shame of mankind, since neither Saxon nor Roman have availed to add any idea to his categories. No wife, no children had he, and the thinkers of all civilized nations are his posterity and are tinged with his mind...