Let’s Begin… The team at periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. This one is about platinum, an element often associated with jewelry and motor cars.Watch Think Dig Deeper Discuss …And Finally Customize this lesson 5 Create and share a...
malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, gray-white transition metal. Its name is derived from the Spanish term platina, which is literally translated into “little silver”.Platinum is a member of the platinum group of elements and group 10 of the periodic table of...
Group: 10 Period: 6 Series:Transition Metals Platinum's Name in Other Languages Latin:Platinum Czech:Platina Croatian:Platina French:Platine German:Platin - e Italian:Platino Norwegian:Platina Portuguese:Platina Russian:Платина Spanish:Platino ...
Platinum is not a common element at 3.7% × 10−7% or 0.003 parts per million (p.p.m.) in the Earth’s Crust, although it is about ten times more common than gold. It is in a group of noble precious metals in the middle of the transition metal block of the Periodic Table refer...
Platinum (Pt) is a chemical element with atomic number 78, located in Group 10, Periodic Table, Period 6. Platinum is a very heavy, precious, silvery-white metal that is soft and ductile, has a high melting point, and has good resistance to corrosion and chemical attack. Platinum has ant...
W. P. GriffithSpringer NetherlandsFoundations of ChemistryGriffith, W.P.: The group VIII platinum-group metals and the Periodic Table. Found. Chem. 12 (1), 17 (2010)GRIFFITH, W. P. (2010). The group VIII platinum-group metals and the Periodic Table. Foundations of Chemistry. New York....
Platinum is found in nature alloyed with the other metals of the so-called platinum group, found in Group 10 of theperiodic table; the other five metals in this group areiridium,osmium,palladium,rhodium, andruthenium. These metals are found in alluvial deposits in Russia, South Africa, Colombi...
<< back to Periodic Table For dental crowns. Atomic Number:78Atomic Symbol:Pt Atomic Weight:195.09Electron Configuration:2-8-18-32-17-1 Shells:2,8,18,32,17,1Filling Orbital:5d9 Melting Point:1772oCBoiling Point:3827oC Description:Silver white transition metal. ...
Group name: Precious metal or platinum group metal Period in periodic table: 6 Block in periodic table: d Shell structure: CAS Registry: 7440-06-4 Platinum atoms have 78 electrons and theshell structureis Theground state electronic configuration of neutral platinum...
and 7 of the Periodic Table. The first three elements are called Ir-group (IPGE) and the other four elements (including Au), the Pd-group (PPGE). The distribution of PGE and most otherchalcophile elementsin mafic and ultramafic rocks is controlled predominantly by sulfides. Most of the wo...