Atomic Number:78Atomic Symbol:Pt Atomic Weight:195.09Electron Configuration:2-8-18-32-17-1 Shells:2,8,18,32,17,1Filling Orbital:5d9 Melting Point:1772oCBoiling Point:3827oC Description:Silver white transition metal. Uses:Used in jewelry, containers and as a catalyst. ...
Platinum nuggetPlatinum (chemical symbol: Pt) is one of the most unreactive of the metallic elements.(more) Platinum, one of the most abundant platinum metals, and its alloys are indispensable in the chemical laboratory for electrodes and forcruciblesand dishes in which materials can be heated ...
Platinum is a dense, malleable metal represented by the symbol Pt and atomic number 78. This metal is ductile, corrosion-resistant, and highly unreactive with a very high melting point. The name comes from the Spanish term “platina,” which translates intolittle silver. According to historians...
Platinum is a malleable, ductile, dense, and highly unreactive chemical element. The symbol of platinum is ‘Pt’ and its atomic number is ‘78.’The name of platinum is derived from a Spanish term i.e. ‘platina,’ which means "little silver." Platinum is the most precious and the ...
SymbolPtA soft, easily shaped, silver-white metallic element that occurs worldwide with similar metals. It has a high melting point and does not corrode in air. Platinum is used as a catalyst and in making jewelry, electrical contacts, and dental crowns.Atomic number78. SeePeriodic Table. ...
Symbol Pt A soft, easily shaped, silver-white metallic element that occurs worldwide with similar metals. It has a high melting point and does not corrode in air. Platinum is used as a catalyst and in making jewelry, electrical contacts, and dental crowns. Atomic number 78. See Periodic Ta...
Atomic Data of Platinum (Element 78) Platinum Uses Is It Dangerous Interesting Facts Platinum (Pt Element) Cost What is Platinum Platinum (pronunciation PLAT-en-em[2]), represented by the chemical symbol or formula Pt[1], is a soft, heavy, malleable, ductile and extremely rare element belong...
A chemical element, symbol Pt, atomic number 78, atomic weight 195.08. (metallurgy) A soft, ductile, malleable, grayish white noble metal with relatively high electric resistance; used in alloys, in electrical and electronic devices, and in jewelry. ...
platinum(countable and uncountable,pluralplatinums) Themetallicchemical element with atomic number 78 and symbol Pt. Awhitishgrey colour, like that of the metal. platinum colour: (music)Asingleoralbumthat has achieved platinum sales, i.e. over 1 million or 2 million. ...
Platinum occurs on the periodic table with symbol Pt and atomic number 78. Brief History of Platinum While indigenous peoples in different parts of the world may have used platinum for centuries as jewelry and decoration, Antonio de Ulloa is credited as the first Western European to officially di...