Quick Access: New Project:新建工程; Import Arduino Project:导入电脑中已经存在的Arduino工程; Open Project:打开已经存在的Platformio工程; Project Examples:打开本机已经安装的单片机平台的例程工程; Recent News:显示最新 Platformio 信息; Recent Projects: 显示最近新建的工程 2、Libraries标签页 这是一个管理库的...
New Project:新建⼯程;Import Arduino Project:导⼊电脑中已经存在的Arduino⼯程;Open Project:打开已经存在的Platformio⼯程;Project Examples:打开本机已经安装的单⽚机平台的例程⼯程;4. Recent News:显⽰最新 Platformio 信息;5. Recent Projects: 显⽰最近新建的⼯程 2、Libraries标签页 这...
2. 在 PIO 的主页点击 New Project 新建一个工程,输入自己的工程名称并且选择好对应的开发板以及开发...
Create a new project. Actual Results The project wizard stuck there showing Please wait... The first initialization requires Internet connection and may take a while (need to install dependent toolchains, frameworks, SDKs). Please be patient and let the initialization complete. Expected Results P...
Setting Up the Project Please open "New Project" wizard, select board and framework, and create a new PlatformIO project. Please USE ONLY Latin characters (a-z) in a project name to avoid further issues with project compilation. Numbers and some symbols are allowed depending on a file system...
Click onNew Projectand selectSeeed Wio Terminalas board. Openmain.cppundersrcfolder and copy the followings: #include<Arduino.h> voidsetup(){ // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT); ...
Step 3:Following window will appear and wait for PlatformIO to set up the new project. Note:This window might take time for the first time. PlatformIO needs to install the dependent tool chains, framework and required SDKs. So please be patient, time may vary from 5 minutes to 15 minutes...
Once again you’ll need to wait while the required support files are downloaded and installed. When that task is completed you will see a new project on the left pane, right below the first project. Expand the src subdirectory and open the main.cpp file for editing. It will look identical...
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ;https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [env:m5stack-cores3] platform = espressif32 board = m5stack-cores3 framework = arduino lib_deps = tinyu-zhao/BMI270_Sensor@^0.0.1 ...
Thank you for introducing here this new tool! It showed very useful here when I used it to create a project using ESP32 FreeRTOS (ESP-IDF). I already used the VS Code when I was studying FreeRTOS here, but without using the PlatformIO resources. Now it’s much better to use it!