Downloading... Tool Manager: toolchain-sdcc @ 1.30804.10766 has been installed! Tool Manager: Installing platformio/tool-stcgal @ ~1.104.0 Tool Manager: tool-stcgal @ 1.104.0 has been installed! The platform 'intel_mcs51' has been successfully installed! The rest of the packages will be ins...
HOWEVERwhen I removed the the folder from the workspace and Opened the project from the PlatformIO section (as I had done before) this time it worked but the Live Share extensions were off this time. I will turn them back on and see if it fails ...
pio/build/pico/firmware.elf Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect" RAM: [== ] 18.7% (used 50500 bytes from 270336 bytes) Flash: [ ] 3.5% (used 73320 bytes from 2097152 bytes) Configuring upload protocol... AVAILABLE: cmsis-dap, jlink, picotool, ...
I need to debug LPC1768 in MKS SBASE v1.3; my origin target was to debug Marlin 2.0. OS is Windows 10 Pro 64bit. I'm using the older original SEGGER version of J-Link Lite. I'm able to connect to the board and talk to LPC1768 via SEGGER's tools, but I didn't manage to get...
Checking size .pio/build/my_env/firmware.elf Building .pio/build/my_env/firmware.hex Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect" RAM: [ ] 0.8% (used 492 bytes from 65536 bytes) Flash: [ ] 1.8% (used 9600 bytes from 524288 bytes) Configuring upload protocol...