只需添加stm32cube为用户生成的代码,与其他用户自行添加的代码进入编译即可,在链接的时候platformio会自动进行链接。 可以在platformio.ini文件中添加include路径与src的文件 build_flags, include的路径是工程目录,而src_filter的默认路径是src文件夹,此处没有找到合理的依赖。 [env:genericSTM32F103C8]platform = ststm...
可以在platformio.ini文件中添加include路径与src的文件 build_flags, include的路径是工程目录,而src_filter的默认路径是src文件夹,此处没有找到合理的依赖。 [env:genericSTM32F103C8] platform = ststm32 board = genericSTM32F103C8 framework = stm32cube build_flags = -I src/Core/Inc -I src/USB_DEVICE...
src_filter = +<./Core/Src/> +<startup_stm32f407xx.s> + + board_build.ldscript = ./STM...
src_filter = +<./Src/> +<./startup_stm32f103xe.s> +<./Drivers/> +<./Middlewares/> board_build.ldscript = ./STM32F103VETx_FLASH.ld extra_scripts = pre:add_newlibnano.py 0 2022-4-21 09:14:26 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 建立建利12 相关推荐 • 请问大家知道怎么正确配置RT-Thread库...
.. envvar:: PLATFORMIO_BUILD_SRC_FILTER Allows one to set:ref:`projectconf`option:ref:`projectconf_build_src_filter`. .. envvar:: PLATFORMIO_EXTRA_SCRIPTS Allows one to set:ref:`projectconf`option:ref:`projectconf_extra_scripts`.
I have a fresh install of VS Code and Platformio IDE. Everything up to date. Whenever I try to Build I keep getting the below error: Warning! Ignore unkn own configuration op tion monitor_flags in section [env] Warning! src_filter config...
如果对这个开发环境熟悉的工程师会发现,https://registry.platformio.org/ 上是没有 APM32F4 MCU 的...
如果+<*>便是路径下的所以文件,-<.git/>便是忽略.git路径下的文件build_src_filter = +<Core/Src> +<startup_stm32f103xe.s> +<Drivers/> +<Middlewares/>;选择链接文件board_build.ldscript = ./STM32F103ZETx_FLASH.ld 下面我们直接点灯就好,在Core/Src/main.c下:...
; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ...
It should look something like this, depending on the board you chose: ; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: ...