Platform9 introduced a new managed Kubernetes service to run on VMware systems in order to reduce the complexity of wedding the hot container technology with the leading virtualization software. That challenge -- found in do-it-yourself approaches or even in existing commercial offerings -- is so ...
Last June, my co-founder Madhura Maskasky announced the beginning of our journey towards delivering an enterprise-class Container management product: Platform9 Managed Kubernetes. We started a private beta program involving existing and new customers. Our engineering team dove deep into the guts of al...
In order to get started with Platform9, you can deploy afree sandboxwith Kubernetes installed. The sandbox includes a guided walkthrough for SaaS-managed Kubernetes. To create an on-premises cluster, install a supported Linux operating system on hosts with Internet access, download the installer for...
Recently, we set out to answer an age-old Kubernetes mystery –“what’s different about my cluster’s profile RBAC”. Let’s say you are managing 3 environments for many developer teams. The promotion lifecycle goes “Development”, “Staging”, then “Production”. The Development environment...
space, it is highly portable to run across any OS/platform and positions itself well as a cloud-native technology that allows you to build a stack that is cloud-vendor agnostic. It is also completely intent-driven, inheriting the same principles that drive the ease of use with Kubernetes....