A topside 48 and jacket 46 arrangement for a platform of an oil and gas installation. The jacket has a shape in plan view with corners at columns 114 of the jacket. The topside has multiple decks (fig. 4, 106, 108, 110, 112) of similar orientation to each other. The topside decks ...
“Haiji-1” is a 300m water-depth fixed oil drilling platform independently designed, constructed and installed by COOEC with integrated drilling, production, and living functions. It is340.5m highand consists of a30,000t ...
“The ACE project represents the start of the ACG’s renewed contract in action. We are very pleased to have completed the first massive piece of the project – the ACE platform jacket, safely and on schedule. This is a significant step towards the first ACE oil achievement. We will now ...
JacketPlatform ❖Thetopsidestructureconsistsofdrillingequipment,productionequipment,crewquartersandeatingfacilities,gasflarestacks,revolvingcranes,survivalcraft,andahelicopterlandingpad.JacketPlatform ❖Drillingandproductionpipesarebroughtuptotopsidethroughconductorguideswithinthejacketframing,andthecrudeoilandgastravel...
JacketPlatform ❖Thetopsidestructureconsistsofdrillingequipment,productionequipment,crewquartersandeatingfacilities,gasflarestacks,revolvingcranes,survivalcraft,andahelicopterlandingpad.JacketPlatform ❖Drillingandproductionpipesarebroughtuptotopsidethroughconductorguideswithinthejacketframing,andthecrudeoilandgastravel...
1、海洋英语课件海洋英语课件Lesson 3 Jacket PlatformLesson 3 Jacket Platformv The jacket,or template,structures are still the most common offshore structures used for drilling and production. Some structures contain enlarged legs,which are suitable for self-buoy-ancy during its installation at the sit...
All set for the eleven-hour journey to the jacket waiting for its topside on the Johan Sverdrup field. After initial preparations, the actual installation job took only three hours. This makes it likely the fastest ever installation of a large, fully completed topside. The second of four ...
Here the 22,000-tonne steel structure was transferred from the barge to Pioneering Spirit, the world’s biggest heavy-lift vessel. All set for the 11-hour journey to the jacket waiting for its topside on the Johan Sverdrup field. After initial preparations, the actual installation job took on...
The topside was installed just one year and two months after the first steel cut.The 2000-tonne topsides were placed on the jacket on the Hod field in the southern part of the North Sea on Sunday.“The platform is delivered from a Norwegian yard and with Norwegian subcontractors. It is ...
"After a two-day sea voyage, the topside will then be installed 18.5 kilometers off the coast of Egmond aan Zee. There, the undercarriage (jacket) has already been firmly anchored to the seabed since November last year," saysGuus Siteur,offshore platform project manager for TenneT. "With ...