8. In some of the New England states, an ecclesiastical constitution, or a plan for the government of churches; as the Cambridge or Saybrook platform. Platic aspect, in astrology, a ray cast from one planet to another, not exactly, but within the orbit of its own light.Definition 2025 pl...
Politics, Law & GovernmentPolitics & Political Systems Renaud CamusRenaud Camus, 2021. nativism ideology and governance Written by August Samie August Hu Samie is Professor of Ethnic Studies at Ohlone College, Fremont. He holds a Ph.D. in Eurasian and Islamic Studies from the University of Chicag...
What does platform mean in government? Political parties within a government each create and maintain their own platforms. These platforms include domestic and international issues on which that party's candidates will campaign.The Definition of Government Political Party Platforms Political party platforms...
2 for speeches a stage for people to stand on when they are making a speech, performing etc a small raised platform at one end of the room3 politics a) [usually singular] the main ideas and aims of a political party, especially the ones that they state just before an election→ plank...
We are not about connecting you to every person or organization in the world. Just the ones most important to you. User-generated content is, by definition, unconfirmed. We provide research-driven information aggregated from hundreds of publicly available sources. Our team of more than 500 ...
Define Ndpplatform. Ndpplatform synonyms, Ndpplatform pronunciation, Ndpplatform translation, English dictionary definition of Ndpplatform. n the Canadian social democratic party formed in 1961. Abbreviation: NDP Collins English Dictionary – Complete an
While that platform certainly bore Trump's mark,it also containedpositions out of step with the former president. On LGBTQ+ issues, it veered to Trump's right, affirming a definition of marriage as strictly a union between a man and a woman, something fought for by religious conservat...
Define Party platform. Party platform synonyms, Party platform pronunciation, Party platform translation, English dictionary definition of Party platform. Noun 1. political platform - a document stating the aims and principles of a political party; "thei
Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Research Design and Materials We implemented a mixed-method survey design. For our understanding of “mixed method studies”, we followed Tashakkori and Creswell’s (2007) definition of “research in which the ...
Define desktop platform. desktop platform synonyms, desktop platform pronunciation, desktop platform translation, English dictionary definition of desktop platform. n. 1. a. A horizontal surface raised above the level of the adjacent area, as a stage for