e-learningMoodleEncuesta de satisfacciónSoporte vital avanzadoCardiopulmonary resuscitation educatione-learningMoodleSatisfaction surveyAdvanced life supportThe aim of this study is to assess the validity and use of a mixed method of training in life support. The use of Moodle to implement an online ...
PLATAFORMA MOODLE: INNOVACION EDUCATIVA EN ESTUDIOS DE POSGRADO. (Spanish).This paper describes the educational innovation activities carried out through the use of the Moodle platform, related to the design and development of methodologies in the teaching/learning applied to an introductory course in ...
Los resultados muestran que los alumnos se adaptan fácilmente a este tipo de plataformas, ya que son nativos digitales. Se muestran propicios a responder las preguntas a través de sus celulares o tabletas, ya que esto les permite mantener el anonimato sin tener que salir a la pizarra. ...
M Chasi,E Orlando 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 Arquitectura para la configuración de escenarios de aprendizaje móvil, con el uso de la plataforma Moodle (Architecture for configuring mobile learning scenarios, using the Moodle Architecture for configuring mobile learning scenarios) B. GómezKexy Rodrígue...
O Moodle é apoiado por uma comunidade global de alunos, desenvolvedores, educadores, administradores - pessoas que amam nossa plataforma e valores de aprendizado online.
La plataforma interactiva Moodle: Una oportunidad para la docencia universitaria de la FísicaInteractive PlatformsLearning TheoryWebQuestThis work examines how teaching and learning are transformed with the introduction of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT's), particularly using e-...
Uso da plataforma Moodle em uma disciplina presencial: percep es sobre a complementaridade dos ambientes online e presencial / The use of Moodle in a presential course: perceptions on the complementarity of online and presential environments
This work summarizes the main results obtained with the use of the Moodle Interactive Platform in the postgraduate Biomaterials courses at the University of Havana.AlonsoCentroLizetteCentroMorejónCentroLaCentroSernaCentroAmiselCentroAlmirallCentroDelgado...
I Like to show my experience carried out among students in engineering in Technical Office and Projects subjects, actively using the platform to support teaching , e-learning (Moodle1), through the use of resources and activities that provides the platform and compare with the results obtained ...
Plataforma MoodleDocencia en Ingeniería BiomédicaCursos de BiomaterialesThe teaching in biomaterials topics encloses a great number of subject related with different branch of the science. It is very accepted nowadays that the use of modern educational programs with the employ of computational ...