Statistics Reports Insights Research AI New Daily Data Services Energy & Environment› Waste Management Plastic waste in Europe - statistics & facts Choose a region: Europe More than 50 million tons of plastics are consumed every year in Europe. In 2023, only Asia and North America produc...
Plastics Global plastic production 1950-2023 Waste Management Number waste items found in oceans worldwide 2023, by type Waste Management Plastic waste exports from the European Union 2015-2023, by destination Recommended statistics Overview Generation Waste management Trade PollutionKey...
California has introduced a new law that seeks to make the producers and vendors of plastic packaging responsible for waste, attempting to curb the amount that ends up polluting the oceans. Many environmental groups have supported this law; however, others have raised concerns about giving the plas...
at the same time, ensure possible waste to energy (WtE) and waste to products (WtP) conversion. Therefore, sustainable plastic waste management should be ensured by the simultaneous action of non-technical/non-instrumental and technical/instrumental approaches. Non-technical...
Plastic packaging waste statistics 2012: 34% recycling, 35%energy recoEU 27+2 recycled 5.4m tonnes, 34.7%, of all its plastic packaging waste in 2012, easily surpassing the EU's minimum target of 22.5%, says the annual report PlasPackaging Europe...
these fail to capture the complexity of individual systems. We determine the volume of mismanaged plastic waste (MPW) entering Tonle Sap Basin (TSB)—the largest freshwater lake–river system in SEA, between 2000 and 2030. Using economic, population and waste data at provincial and national leve...
Fig. 1. HDPE/LDPE fractions with respect to plastic waste in MSW across India (Data source: Central Pollution Control Board, 2015; Map: Visme, 2023). Currently, the per capita consumption of packaging material in India is only 4.3 kg, which is lower than the same in other Asian countries...
Article Open access 15 June 2023 Introduction Plastics are increasingly used worldwide in a wide variety of applications with global production exceeding 300 million tonnes per year since 2014 (ref. 1). Because of their durability, low-recycling rates, poor waste management and maritime use, a si...
Current State of CRD Plastic Waste Construction, renovation, and demolition (CRD) wastes are produced by building structures when built, restored (retrofitted/renovated), or demolished. They can also be interchangeably referred to as construction and demolition (C&D) wastes [1]. Globally, CRD waste...
Plastic waste recycling rate South Korea 2013-2022 Waste Disposal Waste generation distribution South Korea 2022, by type Waste Management Plastic waste export destinations South Korea 2023 Recommended statistics Overview Plastic consumption Plastic waste generation Waste processing International tradeKey...