Plastic Surgery The Meeting brings together the best and the brightest surgeons in the specialty, poised to share their expertise with colleagues who arrive from nearly 50 countries around the globe. It is the premier educational and networking event of the year, for both domestic and international...
2024年第93届美国整形外科年会(Plastic Surgery The Meeting)将于2024年9月26-29日在美国圣迭戈举行,会议由美国整形外科医师学会(ASPS)、美国整形基金会(The PSF)、美国颌面外科医师学会(ASMS)、鼻整形学会(TRS)联合主办。美国整形外科会议是世界上规模最大的整形外科学术会议,汇集了该领域最优秀的外科医生,将与来自...
Plastic Surgery The Meeting brings together the brightest surgeons in the specialty, to share their expertise with colleagues from over 70 countries.
Join us at Plastic Surgery Conference 2023 going to be held during October 11-12, 2023. This is only new platform to discuss and share all the advancements in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Conference 2023.
The Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (TSAPS) is organizing its long-awaited meeting one more year. With a high educational level, research, education, training and patient safety are central to this meeting. Crisalix will also be present in this important event with its booth, number...
21 - 23 Nov 2024 Spanish Association of Plastic Aesthetic Surgery International Meeting 5.0 (2 件の評価) • 講演 ホテルRIUプラザエスパーニャ, マドリード, スペイン行き方 18 フォロワー Saveシェアする 続きます出席しましたか?概要 出展 スピーカー レビュー 特価 続きます Spanish...
We extend our warm welcome to esteemed individuals, academics, and researchers to join us for the 4th World Congress on Surgery and Anesthesia, set to take place in the vibrant city of Dubai, UAE, from September 11-12, 2024. The theme of the conference is "Surgery and Anesthesia: Revolutio...
Plastic Surgery The Meeting has provided generations of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeons the education they need to grow all aspects of their surgical career and practice. 注册费: Members Non-Member Physicians Non-Member Medical & Industry Personnel ...
Plastic Surgery Reconstructive surgery Cosmetic surgery Surgical & Non- Surgical Aesthetic Procedures Facial Resurfacing & Rejuvenation Breast Surgery Skin Cancer Trauma/Burn Surgery Hand Rejuvenation/Cherioplasty Breast Surgery Advances in Aesthetic Technology The highlights of the meeting were from the eminent...