Plastic SCM 还支持签出-编辑-签入工作流程。 使用log 和 diff 命令查看历史记录 cm log命令显示针对给定变更集或在特定变更集范围内所做的更改: >cm log cs:575 Changeset number: 575 Branch: /main/fix-1342 Owner: pablo Date: 7/18/2015 19:41:29 Comment: Changes: C code\lib\FileSystem.cs M ...
完成这些步骤后,Jira 服务器便准备好了接受 Plastic SCM 集成。 客户端配置 - Windows 按照以下步骤在 Windows 机器的 Plastic SCM 客户端上配置 Jira 扩展: 单击Plastic SCM GUI 主窗口的首选项选项卡。 在新对话框中,单击问题跟踪程序选项卡。 单击绑定到此问题跟踪系统单选按钮。 选择Atlassian Jira跟踪系统。
default/mainbranch in Plastic SCM. When the merge in the/mainbranch is checked-in, TeamCity will trigger a build once it's detected. Let's see this new build ("#3") in the Change Log graph, along with the merge link:
Plastic SCM和Git一样都可以very good delecting merges between branches,就像前面说的Git是有真分支的,Plastic SCM也是有真分支,它可以很好地利用分支changeset记录的修改来很好地自动化合并。 Plastic SCM还提供了很好的差异化和三方合并工具。像Git、SVN还可能需要像Kdiff工具,但是我们Plastic SCM自带。而且我们还自带...
Go to the "Log On" tab and select another user who already has a valid Plastic SCM configuration. Start the TeamCity Server service. Configuration Create a new Project in TeamCity First step is creating a new Project in TeamCity, which will be attached to Plastic SCM VCS later. To do that...
Copythe configuration file cm.log.confin the directory where the cm.exe resides, by default inC:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\. cm log files are then stored in<LOCALAPPDATA>\plastic4\logs\cm.log.txt. (fromenable logging for Plastic SCM) ...
Copythe configuration file cm.log.confin the directory where the cm.exe resides, by default inC:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client\. cm log files are then stored in<LOCALAPPDATA>\plastic4\logs\cm.log.txt. (fromenable logging for Plastic SCM) ...
We have just released a new cross-platform (web-based) admin tool to configure and monitor the Plastic SCM server. We call it webadmin and it is included in release6.0.16.1699. How to use it? New install? Easy, just open a browser to localhost:7178 in your server after installing Plast...
Hi, Apologies in advance just in case I asksomething obvious or wrong, it is my first post. I can't merge using the option "Merge from this changeset to...". I get an unexpected error has occurred. But, I can merge from "Merge from this changeset" Here's - Could you attach your configuration file to review it all? Could you also attach the Plastic log? C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\logs