Plastic SCM 会保留您机器上的工作区的列表(至少是它知道的工作区,因为您总是可以从某处复制某个工作区,但 Plastic 可能没有将这个工作区列在列表中)。 >cm workspace list codebase@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\four doc@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\doc mkt@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\marketing...
完成这些步骤后,Jira 服务器便准备好了接受 Plastic SCM 集成。 客户端配置 - Windows 按照以下步骤在 Windows 机器的 Plastic SCM 客户端上配置 Jira 扩展: 单击Plastic SCM GUI 主窗口的首选项选项卡。 在新对话框中,单击问题跟踪程序选项卡。 单击绑定到此问题跟踪系统单选按钮。 选择Atlassian Jira跟踪系统。
Each one uses a local Plastic SCM server. The various servers periodically exchange data with each other. On-site firefighter –You're traveling to your company's biggest customer in order to develop an emergency fix. As you're packing your bags, you replicate (pull) the code you need ...
This is useful when the source and destination Plastic SCM servers are configured to use different authentication methods, or the credentials used to connect to the remote server are not the same as those used in the local one. These are the possible values: Copy - User identities are ...
In order to lock files using Plastic SCM there are a few steps to follow:The first thing you must do is create a lock.conf file and make sure it is placed within your server directory. You can find your server directory from “../PlasticSCM/server”. In your lock.conf file you must...
Locking Files with Plastic SCM To lock files with Plastic SCM, perform the following actions: Create alock.conffile and place it in your server directory. You can find your server directory in../PlasticSCM/server. In the lock.conf file, specify the repository you are working on and the se...
cm log files are then stored in<LOCALAPPDATA>\plastic4\logs\cm.log.txt. (fromenable logging for Plastic SCM) To report an issue, please create a support ticket as it helps sort the prioritiesUnity Version Control support. You can also use theGithub issue-tracker. ...
As an added bonus, Git clients can be configured to use a dual-remote strategy, where changes are pulled from Helix Core but pushed to the central Git server (and then mirrored back into Helix Core). Back to top Verdict: Plastic SCM vs. Perforce Helix Core Plastic SCM can’t compare ...
cm log files are then stored in<LOCALAPPDATA>\plastic4\logs\cm.log.txt. (fromenable logging for Plastic SCM) To report an issue, please create a support ticket as it helps sort the prioritiesUnity Version Control support. You can also use theGithub issue-tracker. ...
We don't compare to Git here since what we are running are pure centralized operations (direct checkin or commit if you prefer) something Git can't do. Plastic SCM can work in Git or SVN modes, local repos or direct connection to a central server. ...