plastics, supporting the use of recycled plastics in new products and holding manufacturers responsible [...] 我们还提出以下政策建议:(a) 减少塑料对海洋的 污染,包括禁止使用一次 性塑料,或 者对此征税,支持在新产品中使用回收塑料,并责成厂家为塑料的整 个循环周期负责;(b) ...
Further inland, we left the main river channel and paddled into the muddy heart of the marsh—and began to notice all manner of plastic waste. Big things appeared first: empty bags of chips tangled in the reeds, grocery bags just beneath the surface, Styrofoam trays covered in mud, pl...
Waste recycling on a commercial scale exists in Mauritius, whereplasticsarerecycled and bagasse is being used as a source of energy. 毛里求斯对塑料进行回收利用,还将蔗渣作为 能源使用,在商业规模上进行废物回收利用。
Our line of specialtythermosettingandthermoplastic acrylics, along with our ability to create custom resin solutions, assist coatings manufacturers in a variety of applications, including 我们的特种热固性和热塑性丙烯酸树脂系列产品,以及我们制定树脂产品定制解决方案的能力,在多项应用上...
gas, or suffocationwithplasticbags. 这种虐待有多种方面,包括对身体各部位的拳打脚踢,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。 It is also used in paper, textileandplasticindustries, and synthe...
Wasterecyclingonacommercial scale exists in Mauritius, whereplasticsarerecycled and bagasse is being used as a source of energy. 毛里求斯对塑料进行回收利用,还将蔗渣作为 能源使用,在商业规模上进行废物回收利用。
Plastic shopping bags were found to be the most prevalent single-use plastic used by households, followed by wrap/film, straws, coffee cups with plastic lids, cutlery, takeout containers, food packaging, party cups, bottles for water and beverages, and other items. In addition, from the ...
Tax breaks for suppliers and manufacturers of recycled plastics help to reduce marine litter in Mauritius [26]. In the same vein, financial and technical supports could be given to recycling companies to facilitate the collection and recycling of PPEs. • Price differentiation The possibility of ...
Further inland, we left the main river channel and paddled into the muddy heart of the marsh—and began to notice all manner of plastic waste. Big things appeared first: empty bags of chips tangled in the reeds, grocery bags just beneath the surface, Styrofoam trays covered in mud, pla...