Plastic bag bans attempt to change people’s behavior and lifestyle by using an economic incentive to coerce (force) people into bringing and using their own reusable bags. If bringing and using your own reusable bags was such a good idea, the public would have readily adopted the solution. ...
The unintended consequences of a plastic bag banPeter M. Grande
But while the moves are being lauded by environmentalists and the local governments that support them, some are questioning whether the move will be effective, primarily because of the unintended environmental consequences associated with replacement materials such as paper, thick plastic and reusable ...
The study contributes to a growing body of knowledge on the unintended consequences of environmentalpoliciesand offers insights applicable beyond plastic bag usage. “While our study focused on plastic bags, similar spillover effects have been documented in policies targeting sugary drinks, e...
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: California’s plastic bag ban led to an increase in carbon emissions due to a surge in trash bag purchases (which use more plastic than traditional retail bags) as well as an increase in paper bag usage.12 In Thurston County, Washington, a bag ban resulted in double...
I’ve seen headlines from the Chicago Tribune that read “Chicago plastic bag ban will do more harm than good” and “Plastic bag ban causes confusion.” Another reads “Unintended Consequences of a Plastic Bag Ban” and discusses how reusing the same bag might make consumers more at risk ...
These unintended consequences are evident across the globe. In the UK, the plastic bag levy appeared to be a resounding success: following its introduction in 2017, the 5p charge was heralded with cutting use in supermarkets by 86%. On closer inspection, however, these gains were largely cancel...
For every action there is always a reaction. Watch for the unintended consequences. I'm sure there's another one liner or two we could throw in there. First off, this proposed ban on plastic never should have been on the ballot in Bozeman, Montana in the first place. They didn't even...
Plastic is so cheap and easy to make, our use of it has grown at a phenomenal rate, and this has unintended consequences. It’s been found in the guts of creatures living deep in the ocean and even in human placentas....
These unintended consequences are whatthe Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw, UK Environment Ministercalled “disbenefits” for the environment.“I think the problem here is that although a lot of people are superficially attracted to a plastic bag tax[ban]when you do what is called a life cycle analysis of...