carrier bag- a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases paper bag,sack,poke bag- a flexible container with a single opening; "he stuffed his laundry into a large bag" doggie bag,doggy bag- a bag for food that a customer did not eat at a restaurant; the transparen...
Single-use plastics: a roadmap for sustainability. Google Scholar United Nations Environment Programme 2014 United Nations Environment Programme, 2014. Valuing plastics: the business case for measuring, managing and disclosing plastic use in the consumer goods industry. Google Scholar United Nations ...
The Senate recently passed two bills that will ban single-use plastic bags and straws respectively. You can learn more about plastic bag bans by looking at our map that covers […]2021 Spring U.S. Bag Ban Update Posted: May 4, 2021 in Plastic Bag Bans with 0 Comments Continued Efforts...
number of plastic bags used in Bangkok and Phuket (2) understand the consumers芒鈧 劉 behavioural on plastic bag consumption and management by integrating a knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) model (3) provide policy recommendation to strengthen the country plastic waste management roadmap. Th...
The California Public Interest Research Group said Sunday that the new law finally meets the intent of the original bag ban. “Plastic bags create pollution in our environment and break into microplastics that contaminate our drinking water and threaten our health,” said the ...
The California Public Interest Research Group said Sunday that the new law finally meets the intent of the original bag ban. "Plastic bags create pollution in our environment and break into microplastics that contaminate our drinking water and threaten our health," said the group’s director Jenn...
1 Map of municipalities in Tokyo and their classification based on the implementation of waste policies Table 2 Questions on the use of plastic shopping bags Question Notes The number of plastic shopping bags taken during shopping Supermarket and brought home in the preceding week...
Systems thinking was utilized as a participatory modelling approach, which allowed for the creation of conceptual mind maps from the various workshops and interviews, to understand consumers’ consciousness, and to map out ideas on plastic pollution reduction. Plastic pollution takes place on a global...
The NDRC obliges provinces across the country to implement, step by step, the national policy depicted within the five-year roadmap to reduce the use of single-use plastic products by the end of 2025. Non-degradable plastic bags will be banned in malls, supermarkets, pharmacies, bookstores ...
Wang F, Talaue McManus L, Xie R (eds) (2019) Addressing marine plastics: a roadmap to a circular economy. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi Accessed 13 September 2020 Googl...