California’s first-in-the-nation plastic bag ban works”. The editorial claims that because fewer plastic bags were found during this year’s Coastal Clean Up day proves that California’s “grand experiment” with a plastic bag ban is asuccess. (Mercury News & East Bay Times Editorial Boar...
While California's bag ban would apply statewide, it would only end up impacting about half the state's population, according to Mark Murray, lead advocate for the environmental advocacy group Californians Against Waste. That's because most of the state's major cities already ban these types of...
CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE PLASTIC BAG BAN LEGISLATION.The article reports that a bill, sponsored by California Senators Alex Padilla and Alex Padilla, has been proposed for imposing a statewide ban on plastic bags at supermarkets, liquor stores and pharmacies....
The California Legislature passed its statewide ban on plastic bags in 2014. The law was later affirmed by voters in a 2016 referendum. The California Public Interest Research Group said Sunday that the new law finally meets the intent of the original bag ban. “Plastic bags create pollution in...
Twelve states, including California, already have some type of statewide plastic bag ban in place, according to the environmental advocacy group Environment America Research & Policy Center. Hundreds of cities across 28 states also have their own plastic bag bans in place....
On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signeda bill into lawthat will close a legal loophole that has allowed for an increase in California’s plastic bag waste, despite a 2014 law that was designed to ban the environmental blight. “Plastic bags create pollution in our environment and break into micr...
Plastic bag manufacturers have aggressively pushed back through their trade group, the American Progressive Bag Alliance, which aired commercials in California blasting the ban as a cash-giveaway to grocers that would lead to a loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs. ...
Roughly 10 years after California tried and failed to ban plastic bags at grocery stores, state lawmakers have passed a law that they say will forever end the choice of “paper or plastic” in checkout lanes. “Instead of being asked do you want paper or plastic at checkout, consumers wil...
The researchers compared these negative spillover effects to a previous study in California, which found that a nominal plastic bag fee led many consumers to grab plastic produce bags to use for other items. Although bans on the free distribution of plastic bags may encourage some customers to ...
After years of plastic bag restrictions being enforced worldwide, California is suspending its ban for hygienic reasons (Photo: PantherMedia/IScarteblanche) Arguing that reusable bags, especially if unwashed, are not hygienic, the US plastics industry has consistently fought the concept ever since the...