Plasti Dip®, ReRACK®, Glossifier, Plasti Dip® Camo, PlastiDip® Blaze Visit Retailer 1-866-290-5334 PRODUCTSPlasti Dip®, Glossifier, Liquid Tape, Vinyl Leather Repair (VLP®) Visit Retailer 1-877-238-2623 PRODUCTSPlasti Dip®, Glossifier, Metalizer, Plasti Dip® Camo, ...
Plasti Dip Spray 14.5 oz Plasti Dip View All Products Our Retailers Your customers continue to trust the highest quality, flexible rubberized coatings, sealants, and adhesives on the market today – only from Plasti Dip International. Where to Buy Featured...
Like I said, the really cool part about Plasti-Dip is the finish & texture. Take a look at these pics I took comparing Plasti-Dip to matte black Krylon Fusion spray paint. You can see that the Plasti-Dip is less glossy, more textured, and has a really OEM look and feel to it. Ad...
Bringing tools back to life is nothing new for Plasti Dip. Using the Plasti Dip 14.5 oz can, this featured project added Plasti Dip to a garden shovel. What you’ll need to get started: – An old garden shovel of… Plasti Dip has many wonderful applications and uses. The automotive enth...