Plasti Dip, 14.5 OZ, Black, Multi-Purpose, Air Dry Specialty Rubber Coating, Easily Applied By Dipping, Brushing Or Spraying, Ideal For Do-It-Yourself Projects Around The Home, Garage, Garden Elsewhere, Protects Items Against Moisture, Acids, Abrasion, Corrosion Skidding/Slipping, Provides A Comf...
Bringing tools back to life is nothing new for Plasti Dip. Using the Plasti Dip 14.5 oz can, this featured project added Plasti Dip to a garden shovel. What you’ll need to get started: – An old garden shovel of… Plasti Dip has many wonderful applications and uses. The automotive enth... Appreciate0 Quote 03-19-2012, 07:33 PM#7 myfly335 Lieutenant 67 Rep 487 Posts Drives: 2011 e90 sport pkg ALL BLACK Join Date: Jul 2011 Location: Hicksville, New York iTrader: (4)
Plasti Dip offers specialty rubber coating products that can be used for crafts, home improvement, automotive customization and more. Check us out today.