The meaning of PLASTER OF PARIS is a white powdery slightly hydrated calcium sulfate CaSO4·1/2H2O or 2CaSO4·H2O made by calcining gypsum and used chiefly for casts and molds in the form of a quick-setting paste with water.
PLASTER,a mixture of lime, hair and sand, used to cover rough walling of lathwork between timbers (see Plasterwork); also a fine white plaster of gypsum, generally known. as "plaster of Paris." The word (also as "plaister") is used in medicine of adhesive mixtures employed externally fo...
The application of plaster of paris facilitated by a new apparatusNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03171321W. I. de Courcy WheelerSpringer-VerlagTransactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
Towards evidence based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal Infirmary. Plaster or functional splint in gamekeepers thumb A short cut review was carried out to establish whether a plaster of Paris or functional splint was better for treatment of ulnar collateral ligament rupture. Al...
2.Plaster of Paris. 3.A pastelike mixture applied to a part of the body for healing or cosmetic purposes. 4.Chiefly BritishAn adhesive bandage. v.plas·tered,plas·ter·ing,plas·ters 1.To cover, coat, or repair with plaster. ...
plasterofPariscalciumsulfatedihydrate,reducedto afinepowder;theadditionofwaterproducesaporousmassusedinmakingcastsandbandagestosupportorimmobilizebodyparts,andindentistryformakingstudymodels. Miller-KeaneEncyclopediaandDictionaryofMedicine,Nursing,andAlliedHealth,SeventhEdition.©2003bySaunders,animprintofElsevier,Inc....
JM Gill,P Bowker - 《Engineering in Medicine》 被引量: 16发表: 1982年 Adhesive for plaster of paris for bandage use Patented Oct. 13, 1953 ADHESIVE .FOR PLASTER .OF PARIS FOR .BANDAGE USE James Joseph Eberl, fihester, and Alvin Richard Ingram, Glens'haw, ;Pa., assignors ... EJ Jos...
- is a likeness (typically in wax or plaster cast) of a person's face after their death, usually made by taking a cast or impression from the corpse. Death...- of plaster have several other uses. In medicine, plaster orthopedic casts are still often used for supporting set broken bones...
Define plaster cast. plaster cast synonyms, plaster cast pronunciation, plaster cast translation, English dictionary definition of plaster cast. n. 1. A sculptured mold or cast in plaster of Paris. 2. See cast. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Eng
BE SOLVED: To prepare a plaster for external use including a water-containing hot melt type adhesive ointment which is stably incorporated with a water-soluble medicine, well releasing the medicine from the adhesive, and high in bioavailability based on the percutaneous absorption of the medicine. ...