The GeneJET Plasmid Midiprep Kit enables large-scale isolation of high-quality plasmid DNA from recombinant E. coli cultures. With a spin column format and silica-based membrane technology, this kit offers convenience and efficiency, recovering up to 200 μg of ...
Express Plasmid Midiprep Kit -25 min 产品英文名称:Express Plasmid Midiprep Kit (25 min) 货号:K1323-10 规格:10preparations 齐源价格:¥4607 齐源生物主代美国BioVision;齐源生物将以强大的技术实力、优质的客户服务、完善的产品供应和深厚的业界资源,在同行业中保特良好的企业形象和竞争优势,并将不断把...
外形尺寸 PlasmidMidi 数量 9999 可售卖地 全国 型号 12143 货号 凯杰试剂原装 基本信息 型号:12143 分辨率:货号12143 品牌:Qiagen 测量精度:货号12143 货号:凯杰试剂原装 加工定制:否 电源电压:货号12143 规格:凯杰试剂原装 重量:德国QIAGEN 测量范围:12143 外形尺寸:PlasmidMidi 德国QIAGEN PlasmidMidi Kit (...
plasmid DNA prepared using the PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Midiprep Kit will have an A260/A280ratio of greater than 1.80, indicating that the DNA is reasonably free of proteins that might interfere with downstream applications. Endotoxin levels are typically within 0.1–1 EU/μg, making this pla...
Thermo Scientific GeneJET Plasmid Midiprep Kit, sufficient for 100 preps, is designed for large scale isolation of high quality plasmid DNA from recombinant E. coli cultures. The kit utilizes silica-based membrane technology in the form of convenient spin column. Each prep recovers up to 200 ...
质粒中提试剂盒(Plasmid midiPREP Kit)适用样本类型Bacterial Cells 产品特点 100mL bacterial cells 保存建议 Room Temperature 其他 Reddot Biotech是由一支拥有35年医疗管理经验团队创办的加拿大本土品牌,其已在ELISA产品线上深耕7个年头,并且仍在不断前进中。产品的质量保证也让其越来越多被“收纳进”文献当中,产品...
MPD2000质粒中量柱式提取试剂盒 Plasmid Midiprep Kit -10 tests210.00In stock -25 tests480.00In stock 经销商:您可以直接联系本地区的授权代理商 产品概述 产品简介 本试剂盒采用碱裂解法裂解细菌,再通过离心吸附柱在高盐和低pH条件下高效结合溶液中的DNA。离心吸附柱中采用的特制玻纤...
产品类型:质粒 品牌:Zymo 货号:D4200 规格:50 Preps 价格:2410 产品介绍 技术参数 相关产品 产品介绍 ZymoPURE™Plasmid Isolation kits provide the fastest and simplest method available to efficiently isolate transfection quality plasmid DNA fromE. coli.TheZymoPURE™Plasmid Midiprepkit features a spin colu...
Endo-free Plasmid Midiprep Kit 去内毒素质粒中量提取试剂盒 (离心柱型) MTePchDn2ic2a0l l0iterature is available at: E-mail MesGen Technical Services if you have questions on use of this system: 产品简介 本试剂盒采用碱裂解法裂解细菌,再通过离心吸附柱...
MagicPure®24 Plasmid MidiPrep Kit (for 奥盛 Auto-Pure 24) 自动化质粒中提试剂盒 目录号规格单价 EM141-24-11-AS24 rxns询价 产品详情介绍 本试剂盒为采用改良版碱裂解法,并充分利用纳米磁珠在杂质去除和DNA吸附方面的优势,而开发的免离心磁珠法提取产品。本产品适用于单次从,≤45 ml大肠杆菌菌液或≤0....