KBM 96 Plasmid Extraction Kit(KBM磁珠法96质粒提取试剂盒) 采用磁珠吸附DNA的方法从96孔板中快速纯化质粒,适合从2 ml(OD600=2)高拷贝质粒菌培养物中快速提取10 mg以上质粒DNA。本试剂盒采用改进的SDS/NaOH裂解法,结合DNA磁珠选择性吸附DNA的方法,达到快速制备质粒DNA的目的。提取的质粒DNA适合用作大规模测序、限制...
KBM 96 Plasmid Extraction Kit(KBM磁珠法96质粒提取试剂盒)采用磁珠吸附DNA的方法从96孔板中快速纯化质粒,适合从2 ml(OD600=2)高拷贝质粒菌培养物中快速提取10 mg以上质粒DNA。本试剂盒采用改进的SDS/NaOH裂解法,结合DNA磁珠选择性吸附DNA的方法,达到快速制备质粒DNA的目的。提取的质粒DNA适合用作大规模测序、限制...
适用情况:适合5-15ml培养液提取10-200μg超低内毒素质粒。 Prepare:1. 加入少量 E1至RNase A中溶解RNase A,吸打混匀后全部转移至E1中。 2. 80ml无水乙醇加入到PW2中。 Procedure:1. 培养液2000g离心15min,收…
英文名 Ion Exchange Plasmid Extraction Kit 相关类别 质粒提取 储存 常温(10-30℃) 编号 包装 库存 目录价(¥) 您的价格(¥) 数量 B611253-0002 2 PREPS 现货 345 345 B611253-0010 10 PREPS 现货 1251 1251产品描述 概述 本试剂盒通过离子交换吸附柱获得高纯度的质粒 DNA。中和后的裂解液混合物中的...
KBM Plasmid Extraction Kit (KBM Plasmid Extraction Kit-Midi) uses magnetic beads to adsorb DNA to quickly purify plasmids from 48-well plates, suitable for 20 ml (OD600=2) high-copy plasmid cultures Quickly extract up to 100 g plasmid DNA. The purified plasmid is suitable for DNA sequencing...
Linbio Fast Endo-Free Plasmid Mini Extraction Kit是一种用于小量无内毒素质粒快速抽提的离心柱式试剂盒。采用了先进的内毒素吸附缓冲液(Binding Solution),能有效去除质粒中的内毒素污染,纯化的质粒中内毒素含量远小于0.1EU/µg,可大大提高转染实验效率和动物注射效果。本试剂盒无需使用有毒的苯酚,氯仿等试剂,...
A reusable plasmid extraction kit, plasmids were extracted relates to a nucleic acid separation techniques used in extraction kit. 该试剂盒包括质粒纯化柱,质粒纯化柱配有的系列溶液和菌体裂解液. The kit comprises a plasmid purification columns, plasmid purification column with some series solution and ...
The FavorFilter™ Plasmid Extraction Maxi Kit is designed for rapid and efficient extraction of high-quality plasmid DNA. A special designed filter cartridge is allowed to remove the bacterial lysates without centrifugation step. Following a gravity-flow procedure, the plasmid DNA is bound to the ...
QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit (25) 25 QIAGEN-tip 500, Reagents, Buffers US$738.00 Add to Cart CAT NO./ID 28604 MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (50) 50 MinElute Spin Columns, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 mL) US$155.00 Add to Cart CAT NO./ID 28606X4 ...
The FavorPrep™Plasmid Extraction Mini Kit provides a rapid, phenol-free method for the extraction of high-purity plasmid DNA from bacterial culture such as E. coli. Silica membrane based DNA column is utilized in the purification process, and the extraction is carried out in three simple step...