型号 Plasmalab System100 英国Oxford等离子体增强化学气相沉积 Plasmalab System100 PECVD技术指标:·可蒸发不同厚度的SiO2 和SiNx薄膜,广泛应用于物理,生物,化学,材料,电子等领域。·沉积薄膜种类:SiO2,SiNx,SiONx·基底温度:小于400℃·薄膜均匀性:±3%(4英寸)·装片:小于6英寸的任意规格的样品若干原理:·在保持...
100 nm Al top mask layer sputtered in the PlasmalabSystem400 tool onto a PDMS polymer mask layer. The Al mask is RIE etched to give high-resolution patterning of the PDMS mask for the subsequent ICP etch. Courtesy of the Tyndall National Institute, Ireland Full range of materials I rf bia...
100 nm Al top mask layer sputtered in the PlasmalabSystem400 tool onto a PDMS polymer mask layer. The Al mask is RIE etched to give high-resolution patterning of the PDMS mask for the subsequent ICP etch. Courtesy of the Tyndall