Thus, the maximum plasma-irradiated water surface areas were esti- mated to be approximately 0.04 mm2, 0.04 mm2, and 0.03 mm2 for the 200-μm, 100-μm, and 50-μm through-hole devices, respectively. In situ UV absorption spectroscopy. A double-beam UV-vis spectrophotometer...
The HFT 488/543/633 main dichroic beam splitter was used to separate the incident and emitted light. Emitted fluorescence was transmitted to the detector through a long-pass filter LP580. The pinhole size in front of the detector was 80 μm (1 Airy). Images were acquired using the C-...
When the plasma torch travelswith a low feed rate, the plasma beam axis tends stronglytoward the right edge. On the contrary, if the feed rate in-creases, the plasma axis straightens up. As a consequence,both left and right unevenness and inclination decrease withincreasing the feed rate. ...
The authors also thank all staff members of the Plasma and Beam Physics Research Facility (PBP) for their efforts and support.References [1] B. Haertel, T. von Woedtke, K.-D. Weltmann, U. Lindequist Non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma possible application in wound healing Biomol. Ther...
We demonstrate that a radiation source with millimeter size and peak brilliance of 2 × 1019 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% bandwidth can be made with moderate laser and electron beam parameters. This brilliance is comparable with third generation synchrotron radiation facilities running at similar...
The mean correlation function Ccum (r) was calculated from the particle coordinates with the interval Dr ¼ 0.03 mm and rmax ¼ 0.7 mm (rm2 ax ¼ 0:49 mm2). First, the linear part of Ccum in the range of 0.1orr0.7 mm was fitted using equation (1) Ccliunm: ðrÞ ¼ ...
γ-ray can also be produced by the nonlinear Compton backscattering, in which an electron beam accelerated by laser wakefields interacts with a counterprop- agating laser pulse18–22. However, the number of electrons accelerated by laser wakefields in underdense plasmas is small, which also leads...
1B), no decline in electron beam, charged cpceaelrnlttvircialaelbsri,oleiltelyeicwntratihsceofibpesoldetreovnretidoatlihnmedreiscchhatoairnntigslimtvheaodtfstcpheeellcHideeesa-atOhn2.dFmnoeorctHhthaene-Oilso2mnpglo-aflsiamvceatdioascnpteimvcaiaetyesdpinrlvieqosuelvnidet in the liquid, ...
An X-ray beam with 200 W power (650 microns spot size) was used. The survey spectra were acquired with pass energy of 50 eV and resolution of 1 eV. High-resolution scans were acquired with pass energy of 20 eV and resolution of 0.1 eV. In order to compensate the charges on the ...