The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements.doi:10.1159/000311658Ardelt, FS. Karger AGGynecologic & Obstetric Investigation...
#不一样的生日 傻傻的我,又一次忘记了自己的生日。不是我不在乎,而是我真的不记得了😅。岁月如梭,连我都感叹时间过得真快!祝我生日快乐,未来的路还很长,我会继续努力💪✨#过好余生的每一天 #不一样的生日 傻傻的我,又一次忘记了自己的生日。不是我不在乎,而是我真的不记得了😅。岁月如梭,连我都...
Gynecologic & Obstetric InvestigationSauter, H.: Uteroplazentare Apoplexie bei Blasenmole. Gynaecologia 159 :296–300, 1965.Sauter, H (1965) Uteroplazentare Apoplexie bei Blasenmole. Gynaecologia 159: pp. 296-300Sauter, H.: Uteroplazentare Apoplexie bei Blasenmole. Gynaecologia 159: 296...
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T CELL R ECEPTORS W ITH A LLO-MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILI TY C OMPLEX SPECIFICITY F ROM R AT A ND M OUSE* Similarity of Size, Plasmin Susceptibility, and Localization of Antigen-binding RegionHans BinzHans Wigzell