1.用PlantUML命令创建一个文本文件,就像这个例子一样,叫做sequenceDiagram.txt。 @startuml Alice -> Bob: test @enduml 2.运行(或让你的软件调用)PlantUML,使用sequenceDiagram.txt作为输入。输出是一个图像,它或者出现在其他软件中,或者被写入磁盘上的图像文件。 例如。 java -jar plantuml.jar sequenceDiagram...
For comprehensive and detailed documentation on using PlantUML, refer to theofficial Javadoc, available here. Please note that this documentation is a work in progress and may not be complete. PlantUML is licensed under several licenses; you can choose the one that suits you best: ...
MindMap diagram WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Mathematical Notations (AsciiMath, JLaTeXMath) IE/ER (Information Engineering/Entity Relationship) 📣 Additional Features Hyperlinks and tooltips Rich text (Creole) with emoticons, unicode, and icons OpenIconic icons Sprite icons 📖 Learn More For a ...
https://www.planttext.com/www.planttext.com/ 也可以使用https://app.diagrams.net/中的 Activity(活动) 01 - Activity(活动) @startuml skin rose title活动图\n start :吃热翅膀; note left 这是一个注释... * 活动图可以以开始节点开头 * 一个活动是由冒号、一些词语和分号组成的 * 活动图可...
Smetana.(Use!pragma layout smetanain the file or-Playout=smetanaon the command-line.)A port of Graphviz to Java. Tends to make slightly straighter arrows; VizJsuses JavaScript.(Use-graphvizdot vizjson the command line.)Tends to space out nodes more, resulting in a bigger diagram; ...
textual UML models in your Google docs. The PlantUML source text is encoded within the link of the image in Google Docs, so you can edit it later and re-insert the diagram using PlantUML Gizmo. Btw, theauthoruses this extension to create the teaching material for his Software Engineering ...
TextChartis a mobile optimized text based UML diagram editor. Edit thePlantUMLbelow to begin. Examples:Sequence Diagram - v1Sequence Diagram - v2Sequence Diagram - ScenariosSequence Diagram - ImagesWeb App Tech StackChatbot FlowFlow Diagram - v1Flow Diagram - v2State Diagram - v1State Diagram ...
PlantUML is open source software used to draw UML diagrams, using a simple and human readable text description. It uses Graphviz software to lay out its diagrams. It has been used to allow blind students to work with UML. PlantUML also helps blind software engineers to design and read UML...
Network diagram 待补充。 Salt Salt 是 PlantUML 下面的子项目用来帮助用户来设计图形接口. @startsalt { Just plain text [This is my button] () Unchecked radio (X) Checked radio [] Unchecked box [X] Checked box "Enter text here "
activity diagram (here is the new syntax), component diagram, state diagram, object diagram, wireframe graphical interface PlantUML通过简单和直观的语言来定义图形,它可以生成PNG、SVG和二进制 图片。下面是一个简单的示例: #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file ../img/orgmode-babel-sequenceuml.png Alice -> ...