PlantUML 图绘制类库--VSCODE插件 PlantUML是一个开源项目,支持通过简单直观的语言来定义以下UML图。 时序图 用例图 类图 活动图 组件图 状态图 对象图 部署图 定时图 支持生成图片格式有: PNG SVG LaTeX ASCII艺术图 (只针对时序图) 什么是PlantUML PlantUML是一个快速创建UML图形的组件,官网上之所以称它是一...
下面是一个简单的示例:#startuml Alice -> Bob: synchronous call Alice ->> Bob: asynchronous call #enduml VSCODE配置PlantUML PlantUML本身是一个脚本语言,如果要生成图片,则需基于GraphViz绘图,GraphViz 又是基于 dot 脚本生成图片,它依赖于 Java 和 Dot 脚本环境的配置。 所以,使用 PlantUML 有如下基本环境...
" then-->[yes] ===RENDERING===else-->[no] ===REDIRECT_CHECK===endifelse-->[yes] ===RENDERING===endifif "is Post?" then-->[yes] "Page.onPost()"--> "Page.onRender()" as render--> ===REDIRECT_CHECK===else-->[no] "Page.onGet()"--> renderendifelse-->[false] ===R...
4.安装 VSCode 插件并配置 VSCode 需要安装两个插件:PlantUML和Graphviz Preview 打开VSCode 切换到左侧扩展商店,搜索并安装他们,安装完毕后分别**。 如何使用 顺序图(Sequence Diagram) 简单示例 顺序图用->,-->,<-,<--来绘制参与者(Participants)之 间的消息(Message)。 #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file ../img...
This fork contains a different viewer, with better rendering performance, and allows you to click on diagram texts to focus the position on current editor window. Rich PlantUML support for Visual Studio Code. Notice The server render is now very recommended by this extension, since it's much ...
Fix: Fix Markdown rendering, # Enables POST method for server render, you can now render very-large diagrams Improvement: The extension comes with a new include processor, you won't encounter include problems again. Removed: AutoInclude feature is removed, if you need th...
funcgetLegend(ro map[goplantuml.RenderingOption]interface{})(string,error){ 它的核心解析函数定义在parser/class_parser.go 代码语言:javascript 复制 funcNewClassDiagram(directoryPaths[]string,ignoreDirectories[]string,recursive bool)(*ClassParser,error){returnNewClassDiagramWithOptions(options) ...
Thankfully, it looks like there's a way for us to extend VSCode's markdown renderer with our extension: The extension needs to export anextendMarkdownItfunction (see example). The extension needs to set somemarkdown...settings in it'scontributes:...(see example). ...
PlantUML 图绘制类库--VSCODE插件 PlantUML是一个开源项目,支持通过简单直观的语言来定义以下UML图。 时序图 用例图 类图 活动图 组件图 状态图 对象图 部署图 定时图 支持生成图片格式有: PNG SVG LaTeX ASCII艺术图 (只针对时序图) 什么是PlantUML
Open bertvanopened this issueOct 16, 2021· 9 comments