解决Idea 中 plantuml 报错Dot Executable : /opt/local/bin/dot file does not exist Cannot find craphviz... 出现: image.png 解决:下载graphviz
报错: Dot Executable :/usr/bin/dot File does not exist Cannot find Grapviz.You should try @startuml testdot @enduml 解决办法: https://avono-support.atlassian.net/browse/PUML-152 centos安装的confluence: yum search graphviz yum install graphviz.x86_64 ubuntu 安装的centos: apt-get cache grap...
在官网下载graphviz(https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/Download_windows.html),安装添加环境变量。 在命令行输入dot -version 检测,如果显示版本信息,说明安装成功。然后重启idea即可成功,效果如下图:
报错: Dot Executable :/usr/bin/dot File does not exist Cannot find Grapviz.You should try @startuml testdot @enduml 解决办法: https://avono-support.atlassian.net/browse/PUML-152 centos安装的confluence: yum search graphviz yum install graphviz.x86_64 ubuntu 安装的centos: apt-get cache grap...
2.2 ERROR: Dot Executable: /opt/local/bin/dot File does not exist. Error Info: Solution: A. Install graphviz $ brew install graphviz After graphviz be installed sucessfully, the `dot` tool will be at /usr/local/bin/dot. $ which dot ...
打开IDEA,左上角,选择IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Plugins -> Marketplace - > PlantUML integration -> Install。 新建一个项目,右键,New -> PlantUML File,选择Class类型 咿,咋回事儿?类图不能展示,错误信息:Dot Executable:/opt/local/bin/dot File does not exist Can't fi...
+ Plantuml version PlantUML version 1.2024.6beta3 (Unknown compile time) (GPL source distribution) Java Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Default Encoding: UTF-8 Language: en Country: null PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE: 4096 Error: Dot executable does not exist Error...
报错:Dot Executable :/usr/bin/dotFile does not existCannot find Grapviz.You should try@startumltestdot@enduml解决办法:https://avono-support.atlassian.net/browse/PUML-152 centos安装的confluence:yum search graph wiki confluence plantuml
DotExecutable:/usr/bin/dot Filedoes not exist CannotfindGraphviz.Youshouldtry @startuml testdot @enduml or java -jar plantuml.jar-testdot Q2 Error:Filedoesnotexist Error: onlysequencediagrams will be generated Resolved Q1&Q2 安装包&源码 ...
I am new to PlantUML in vs code. Thank you for your contribution! I try to run an easy case but it reports error. My case: @startuml class Demo @enduml Graphviz was installed. vs code version: 1.18.1 PlantUML version: 2.3.3 Can you tell ...